The Seven Deadly Sins is a Japanese manga series by Nalini Suzuki. Netflix aired the three seasons of this series and going to release the fourth season soon. Which is also known as Seven Deadly Sins -“Wrath of the God”.
Release Date
Netflix didn’t confirm any particular date to release the fourth season but by the fact that season 4 is just aired in Japan on 8th of January 2020. So we can assume that it will discharge on Netflix in late 2020.
Season 4 of Seven Deadly Sins will star Yuki Kaji, Sora Amamiya and Misaki Kuno.
Seven Deadly Sins an anime. Starring Meliodas as male lead and Elizabeth as the female lead. How Meliodas associate with Elizabeth and fell in love with her. then he does anything to protect her. Meliodas and Elizabeth’s relation how take turns, how Meliodas head back to his demon shape.
Some sources say that in series there are Humans, Giants, Fairies, Goddess and demons all of which have powerful abilities and magical powers.
You can see the Japanese trailer on Youtube if you want.
But Netflix didn’t release any trailer and information of trailer till today.
What we are expecting?
We can expect the fights, romantic love between Meliodas and Elizabeth. And many twist and turns.