Taboo is a BBC television drama series directed by Kristoffer Nyholm and Anders Engstrom is a thriller periodic Drama. The story of the drama written by Tom and Chips Hardy. This series takes you to the time of the 19th century in London where you experience the dark side of the town.
Release Date
There is no official date announced by the creators but Steven Knight the writer and Creator of the series told in the interview that they are coming up with season 2 as they finished the writing work but filming was started in late 2019 or in early 2020. So the season 2 would come in late 2020.
The show is planned to have three seasons.
Only Tom Hardy As James Keziah Delaney is confirmed for the next season. Rest of the expected cast that could return is Jassie Buckley As Lorna Delaney, Stephen Graham As Atticus, David Hayman As Brace, Edward Hogg As Michael Godfrey, Jason Watkins As Solomon Coop, Nicholas Woodeson As Robert They.
Taboo season 2 will be about US spy network “Colonnade”. We might find out the mystery behind the back tattoo of James. What it means and what the bird tattoo really means. Did Zipha really die? We might know this in season 2. Why James headed to Azores and what’s his plan.
There is no official trailer and teaser dropped. But creator may launch the teaser trailer soon.
What about James’s old enemies?
His old enemies thought of his inheritance. But it didn’t happen. So they would make new strategies and plans to destroy him completely.