Zhang Yimou dresses as an elegant craftsman at the service of the cause in this spy thriller between action and suspense, which, seen from the outside, weighs against its purely patriotic and propaganda aspect. Not so much in the political as in the cinematographic, taking for granted an empathy brought from home towards the “correct” side that the film barely bothers to mature in the face of the traitor who is sold to the highest bidder. Thus, the film, somewhat run over, confused and bloated but at the same time compressed (or trapped) in two hours, turns out to be more entertaining than exciting, more distracting than stimulating. For all practical purposes, it could have been directed by anyone given its pretty commercial commission look to the taste of the public of censors, and the end result would not change. Not too much, although Yimou’s audiovisual finesse is undeniable. A Yimou who performs his particular ‘Empire of Shadows’ although without the forcefulness for the action of Kim Jee-woon. Even so, it is still like an oriental partisan spy war thriller in appearance (of) anyone (who knows how to focus on the snow): With its pluses and minuses it works and it is more or less satisfactory even if it lacks the ‘punch’ or the ‘heart’ needed to stand out from the crowd and/or cause excitement.
By Juan Pairet Iglesias