Kerry Cassidy – An Interview With An Astrologer

During her career, Kerry Cassidy has made many appearances on TV and in movies. She has also been praised by many as one of the most versatile actresses in the world. In fact, she has earned a place among the most successful actresses of all time.


Currently, Kerry is a documentary filmmaker and broadcaster. She holds a BA in English from Sonoma State University and a MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management’s Executive MBA Program. Kerry has also studied Eastern philosophy, samadhi and the chakra system. She has been involved in the film industry for 19 years. She is the owner of Project Camelot TV Network.

Kerry has been traveling the world for over seventeen years and has interviewed whistleblowers, experiencers and researchers. Her book is available on Amazon. She is also the founder of the “Camelot Guerilla Interview” style that was pioneered by her. This style is a way to capture the interpersonal dynamics of an interview, ensuring that the truth is being communicated.

Kerry also hosts her own weekly video broadcasts, which are live. She has over ten thousand subscribers on her YouTube channel, and her TELEGRAM CHANNEL is a top ranked channel on TruthSocial. She has been interviewed on radio and TV, and has been featured at conferences throughout the world.

Television appearances

Having been around for quite some time, Kerry Cassidy is no stranger to the spotlight. She has starred in many television shows and appeared in numerous movies. Her most notable role came in the form of Ruby, a demon who became one of the main characters in Supernatural. In fact, she appeared in six episodes during the show’s third season. She was replaced by Genevieve Cortese.

In the realm of television, Cassidy has starred in many notable television shows, including the aforementioned Supernatural and The Flash, in addition to guest starring on the likes of 7th Heaven, Sex, Love & Secrets, and The Division. She also starred in a few movies, including A Nightmare on Elm Street and The Last Samurai. She also starred in the television special, Aliens on the Moon.

Views on human affairs

Despite the fact that Kerry Cassidy isn’t exactly known for her philanthropic pursuits, she managed to launch Project Camelot TV Network, an online streaming video service, and produce a 100-minute interview with an astrologer. The best part is that she was able to pull off the entire operation with the aid of a modest budget. While Cassidy may be a fan of the conspiracy theories surrounding the Trump presidency, she is not particularly interested in making money off of it. She did, however, ask for donations to continue her work.

As it turns out, Cassidy has been in the conspiracy business for as long as I can remember, so it is no surprise that she has a well-developed knowledge base. Unlike most conspiracy buffs, however, Cassidy has a tendency to hide her sources of information. As a result, her claims have been met with skepticism.

Comments on her video interview with YouTube

QAnon’s Kerry Cassidy recently took to YouTube to comment on her 15th March interview. Her video is currently being pulled by YouTube because of the YouTube’s policy against bullying and harassment. Kerry has also taken to Odysse to house all of her videos. However, they do have a low cost membership for the public. Apparently, Kerry was micro-managed by an external source, and now needs to improve her micro-management skills.

In her YouTube interview, Kerry talks about Project Camelot and COVID deception. She also recommends reading Ghost Dancer by John Case. Kerry also talks about genetic manipulation and the Humanity 3.0 program. She also talks about Graphene in vaccines.

As a result of all of this, Kerry Cassidy has become an international sensation. She is spreading herself thin, and has lost sight of the bigger picture. This is unfortunate because Kerry has the ability to deal with a wide variety of topics in one sitting.


Using a camcorder to record his interviews has not been approved by the California State prison system. However, a trove of Cassidy’s presentations show that he is not out to impress the average Joe with his knowledge of the latest gadgets. In fact, his presentations are a gimmicky display of recollections from his interviews. He also never asks for documentation of his tales of personal heroism.

The “Former White Hat Operative” is a troll. It is also the “mimic” of a troll, as in the aforementioned FWH’s faux-s retort to the question “What are you doing here?”. Its function is merely to syphon energies of change from the public at large. A much better use of FWH’s resources could be spent on the real work, that is, actually dealing with the real problems facing us.

Hritik Verma: