AI-powered custom voices for educational platforms

To achieve inclusive education, the design of learning tools with audio support is essential to meet the varied needs of students. And ReadSpeaker allows any educational institution to have a personalized voice that, thanks to the use of AI, is realistic and expressive; then, it can be integrated into its corresponding platform. “Our technology allows access to auditory learning in situations where the visualization of screens is not viable, thus improving educational efficiency and increasing success and course completion rates,” says Antonino Sistac, director of the company in Spain and Latin America.

From text to speech

Once the voice has been designed with the desired characteristics, it is possible to convert any text into a reading aloud as if it were actually a speaker speaking, whether it be information from a website, training materials, books or conferences. It is also a suitable tool for any educational level. From Preschool to Higher Education, as well as those in continuing education, vocational training, languages ​​and corporate learning, without forgetting those with special needs, since the transition from text to voice makes it easier for students to take advantage of all types of content, such as reading and writing, exams or personal documents, among others. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that ReadSpeaker has managed to integrate its technology into the main educational and assessment platforms, offering an accessible auditory learning experience, thanks to advanced features such as automatic reading aloud in LMS and SCORM courses or the generation of audio files for a wide range of multimedia applications. This makes it a comprehensive learning support, both online and offline.

50 languages

With 25 years of experience, ReadSpeaker is an expert in audio-enhanced learning solutions, offering a variety of over 200 voices in 50 languages: “This consolidates us as a key force in the advancement towards globally inclusive and accessible education through digital voices developed with the help of AI and that respect the copyright of their voice talents,” concludes Sistac.