The latest decision that María del Monte and Inmaculada Casal have made with Antonio Tejado at liberty

This summer is being very complicated for María del Monte (62 years old) and Inmaculada Casal (60 years old). The couple has to face a complicated situation that they are going through, where they are needing professional help to be able to overcome that fateful night in August last year when they were assaulted in their home. Now they have taken a decision that affects your future and what has been talked about at length after the release of Antonio Tejado (36 years old). August 25th of last year will be a day that the singer and the journalist will never be able to forget. Since that day, things have changed a lot in their lives. Especially when the crime occurred the arrest of the singer's nephew as one of the alleged persons involved in the robbery at his house in the Seville town of Gines. After this, the former contestant of 'GH DÚO' was released, although the family schism had already been created with the family completely separated.

The latest decision that María del Monte and Inmaculada Casal have made

During these months there has been much talk about the complicated situation that the couple is going through. It is not easy to continue living in a house where they have already been robbed. In addition, with the release of both Tejado and the alleged members of the gang involved, there is no one arrested for the robbery. This fact is causing some headaches for the victimssince it is logical that they feel some fear that something similar could happen again. In fact, there are many who came to affirm that The couple would have considered leaving their home. However, for the interpreter of 'Cántame' it is something quite complex. She designed this house as she wished. In addition, it became the place where her mother lived her last days. Therefore, the emotional burden of the place is more than evident and moving would not be in her plans, despite the fear of everything that happened last summer. The journalist Arnau Martínez has confessed on Friday morning in 'Espejo Público' that he has had a conversation with the journalist, in which she would have confirmed this fact. Firstly, the collaborator has assured that both Inmaculada and his wife They are feeling much bettersince they have managed to find the peace of mind they so badly need to be able to move forward. On the other hand, he has been very forceful when explaining this latest decision taken. “They are not going to move house and it has never been in their plans”revealed the journalist. “To this day she remembers that night every day, it is torture. She is very affected when talking about this subject,” he indicated about the complicated situation they are in. However, he wanted to make it clear that under no circumstances will they change their address.

The Andalusian paradise where María del Monte disconnects

The singer wants to turn the page at all costs and get back to her normal life. In fact, during this summer she has continued with her concert tour around various parts of Spain, a time that also serves as a time to disconnect so she can do what she likes to do so much and what she enjoys. But between concerts she has also had time to enjoy other types of pleasures in this complicated summer.Just a few days ago, she shared a series of images on her social media of this break that she had been looking forward to so much. She also explained how she felt in order to recharge her batteries.I enjoyed it like when I was a child. This has been my opinion for getting away for a few days. Pure nature!! Water, rocks, trees and good friends who always take care of me. You can't ask for more, it would be unfair. Thank God, life and everyone around me,” she wrote. But she didn't want to forget what this encouragement had meant in the midst of all the drama that is stalking her. “Now on to the next concert, yes, full. Completely full,” she added about her work side that she likes so much. However, In the snapshots she is seen smiling like a little girlsomething she also wanted to write about this moment in the Andalusian nature. In this way, it is a disconnection for her but also a way to recharge her energies, not only to offer the best to the public that comes to her recitals, but also because of this complicated situation that keeps both her and her wife in suspense regarding the case of the robbery at their home.
