This amazing micro LED display stretches like rubber and can be used for many purposes

Samsung Display has unveiled a revolutionary micro-LED display this week. It behaves like rubber and can be twisted or stretched by up to 25%. Many manufacturers are working on flexible displays that could have many applications, and not just in consumer electronics. A few years ago, we saw such a screen designed by LG engineers, but Samsung is probably the most advanced in this field.

A revolution in micro LED screen technology

In 2016, the South Korean giant presented a flexible AMOLED display with a resolution of 2K. The screen, probably intended for a smartphone prototype, is only 0.3 mm thick and weighs only 5 grams and can be rolled into a roll with a diameter of 10 mm. A year later, the manufacturer showed a new generation of the stretchable screen, and now it has presented an extension of this concept, in the form of a new micro LED display that behaves like rubber. It is possible to do it twist and also stretch, increasing its original size by up to 25%. Then it easily returns to its original shape. The screen was presented during the ongoing IMID 2024 conference, and its capabilities can be seen in the video above. They were presented on the example of a map of Jeju Island, where the aforementioned conference is held. Thanks to the ability to stretch the panel, the map turns into a three-dimensional one. Of course, for now, the capabilities of this screen are quite limited, because has a pixel density of just 120PPI. The image quality leaves something to be desired. For example, the screen installed in the Samsung Galaxy 24 Plus has as much as 512 PPI, offering a much better image. On the other hand, the OLEDoS panel for VR systems presented in January has as much as 3,500 PPI. A micro LED screen with such parameters would probably not be suitable for mobile or VR applications. However, it may be sufficient for some monitors or TVs. They would also be ideal for wearable devices and smart clothing, enabling presenting e.g. heart rate during physical exercise.

Source: Samsung Display However, as is the case with many technical innovations, it is unlikely that such screens will appear on the market any time soon. For now, we still have to treat them as a demonstration of technological possibilities.

Hritik Verma: