Unexpected turn in Juan Ortega's life after leaving his girlfriend Carmen Otte at the altar

Juan Ortega (33 years old) became one of the protagonists of last summer. The bullfighter from Jerez was going to marry his long-time girlfriend, Carmen Otte. However, he changed his mind at the last minute. Just a few hours before the wedding, the young man disappeared without giving any explanation. Although the wedding was already in the media spotlight, as there were several well-known faces among the guests, he decided not to reveal the reasons for his decision. He spent the following days sheltered in his parents' house. Shortly afterwards, he decided to travel to Portugal to get away from the controversy. Time has passed and his life has changed. Juan Ortega is excited again. Juan Ortega returned after a few days in the neighboring country. He did so to focus on work and trying to stay out of the controversy. After the stand-up at the altar, the couple decided to give it another chance. One that wouldn't last too long. Finally, They went their separate ways. Time has passed and the relationship between Juan and Carmen is still good. With the scandal behind, The bullfighter has turned the page As far as love is concerned, it seems that he is excited again. “For the past eight months he has been missing, focused on bullfighting and teaching classes at the University of Granada to bring the world of bullfighting closer to society,” explained journalist Maika Vergara in 'Fiesta'. “And what's new in this matter? According to what I'm told, the bullfighter could have a partner and it's a girl he's been with for two or three months. Her name is not Carmen and she is from a very good family.. It is linked not only to the world of the countryside and the bull, but also to the world of running bullrings. I also tell you that it has a lot to do with the Las Ventas bullring.” The reporter has revealed some details of this new story, lying about the privacy of the bullfighter's new dream. “I don't know if they knew each other before.“It's only now that he's become more involved. He's met this family, he's from a very important business family,” he added.

The reasons why Juan Ortega cancelled his own wedding

Over time, the bullfighter also wanted to explain what had happened and reveal the reasons why he had not attended his own wedding. He claimed that The pressure he felt got the better of him. He was convinced that his parents and in-laws were more interested in his wedding than they were in themselves. He made the decision after a party they had the night before with the whole family. It was then that he decided to change his future and leave Carmen Otte. Juan Ortega cancelled his wedding minutes before it was scheduled to take place. He announced his decision by apologising to the people who might be affected. “I apologize not for the decision itself, but for the moment in which I made it. Take it a few hours before with everything organized and the guests there…”, he said. He even had some words for Carmen herself: “We still have a lot of affection, respect for each other and we both have a lot of peace. We have fought a lot and things have not worked out.” The bullfighter also wanted to make it clear that the decision was his, without other people involved in it. “I would never have liked to put him in this situation. I am the one responsible, no other people have intervened. I made the decision alone, knowing the consequences. For me, marriage is too serious to be safe. I didn't want to betray Carmen or myself either.“, he explained on his social networks.
