Silvia Bronchalo's reaction to Daniel Sancho's bitter tears upon hearing the devastating sentence

“I am prepared for the best and the worst,” he himself declared. Daniel Sancho (30 years) 48 hours before learning the content of the sentence. After more than two hours of reading, the Koh Samui court informed the accused of the devastating sentence: life imprisonment and financial compensation of 106,000 euros to the victim's family. As detailed, the Thai court has declared Daniel Sancho was found guilty of premeditated murder, dismemberment and concealment of the body, and destruction of the victim's documentation. A verdict that has come as a cold shower not only for the murderer but also for his entire family. Although Daniel Sancho's entourage assured early in the morning that he was facing this day “calmly”, the young chef's first reaction upon learning of his sentence has been very significant.She has shed many tears”they have assured. And it is that he blindly trusted his defense and cannot believe what happened even though he has avoided the death penalty. In the next few days, Rodolfo Sancho's son will leave Koh Samui prison behind where he has been for the last year and will be transferred to another much more dangerous and overcrowded one. From there, he will await the final result of the appeal that his defense is already preparing. The family is very worried about his transfer to Sura Thani prison within 90 days. A prison that brings together all prisoners convicted of blood crimes. However, it should be noted that the terrible sentence It does not mean that he will spend his whole life in prison.After 10 years he could ask for a reduction in his sentence and for good behaviour his prison term could be considerably reduced. Finally, if Thailand gives the go-ahead, extradition to our country could be requested, where he would complete his sentence.

Silvia Bronchalo, devastated after learning the future that awaits her son Daniel

As it could not be otherwise, Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo wanted to be by Daniel's side on this key day. The young chef's mother left the Court of Koh Samui completely devastated aware of the not very encouraging future that awaits her son from now on. Silvia, who has always remained in the background, has preferred not to make any statements on the matter but His face was the living image of desolation. And she, like all of Daniel's entourage, was hoping for a less severe sentence. While the lawyers and Silvia herself left the court as soon as the reading was over, Rodolfo Sancho remained inside for a few more minutes. The actor, very serious, wanted to make it clear that he will continue to defend his son. “Let's keep fighting”he has repeated on two occasions to journalists gathered in Koh Samui.

The first move by Daniel Sancho's defense after the sentence

As revealed by Marcos García Montes, Daniel Sancho's main defence attorney, they have one month to carefully analyse the extensive sentence and file an appeal to try to rectify the already terrible decision of the Thai court.“There are two resources ahead and we have to exhaust them”Carmen Balfagón stated, announcing her most immediate plans, and the legal team continues to maintain that the arguments they have presented are “very solid.” First in the Provincial Court and, subsequently, in the Supreme Court.

The reaction of Darlin Arrieta, Edwin's sister, to the sentence

Juango Ospina, lawyer for the Arrieta family, has expressed his satisfaction with the sentence and also wanted to convey What was Darlin's first reaction? sister of the victim, as soon as she learned of the sentence given to Daniel Sancho for the premeditated murder of the Thai surgeon. Unlike Rodolfo and Silvia, who have traveled to Thailand on this important day, the situation of the Arrieta family has prevented them from traveling there.Darlin has asked for a prayer for his brother and to give them strength on this long road they have to face.”explained Ospina in a telephone conversation with Lecturas.
