Concern for Noela, Daniel Sancho's grandmother, after the sentence: the revealing words of her son Rodrigo

“The idea is that Daniel can return to Spain, that's where the hope lies. So his grandmother can be closer to him”. Rodrigo Sancho, Rodolfo's brother and Daniel's uncle, spoke out days before the verdict of the Koh Samui Court was known. The uncle of the man now convicted in Thailand was optimistic. At that time, which now seems so far away, the young man's defence considered that they could not impose a sentence of more than eight years of imprisonment. It was the scenario they were working with and the one they had transmitted, presumably, to the Sancho family. In the end, reality has not been like that. Daniel Sancho has been sentenced to life imprisonment for the premeditated murder of Edwin Arrieta. A blunt verdict that does not leave much room for the defence to appeal. Even without the sentence in hand, it seems that the Koh Samui Court has fully bought the version of the Prosecution. Sancho planned the murder of Arrieta before it happened. In the minds of many, the family surrounding the young man. His parents, Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo, travelled to Thailand to be with their son during the reading of the sentence. His uncles were keeping an eye on everything from Spain. And his grandmother? Noelia is one of the people closest to Daniel Sancho. She was the one he lived with in Spain, before moving to Koh Samui.

Noela's conversations with her grandson Daniel Sancho

“She is a strong woman,” Rodrigo Sancho assured the cameras of 'Europa Press'. “She has limited video calls, It's my brother who talks to him and my mother from time to time”. Daniel Sancho’s grandmother was one of the people with whom the young man has had conversations over the last twelve months. In provisional prison since August last year, Sancho has been able to keep in touch on a limited basis. The bond between grandmother and grandson has always been strong. Daniel had settled in his grandmother’s house in Madrid. It was there that he lived before planning his trip to Thailand to meet Edwin Arrieta. The blow for Rodolfo Sancho’s mother was tremendous, as for the whole family. At first, in fact, they chose to hide from her what was happening, as their children explained to reporters. Time has made everything fall into place. Daniel Sancho’s stay in Thailand will continue. For the moment, the man already convicted by the Koh Samui Court remains in preventive detention. It will not be until he has the final sentence after the appeals when the effective sentence can be discussed.

Noela's few statements in these months

Rodolfo Sancho's mother has not appeared in front of the cameras for some time. Very polite and correct, Daniel Sancho's grandmother did address reporters during the first weeks of the young man's detention. At that time, it was still not clear what had happened or how the case would develop. Everything was unknown and uncertain for the family of the now convicted man. Noela confirmed to reporters that she lived with her grandson and that everything would continue like this until he decided otherwise. And, as it could not be otherwise, I was very sad for not being able to have him by my side. The feeling of a grandmother who misses her grandson. The situation of the Sancho family at that moment was complex. It was unknown what would happen in the following months. Only Rodolfo Sancho's brothers wanted to make statements to the press. Above all, Rodrigo, who has attended the media in a completely normal way. The actor's brother, who lives a life far from the fame of his family, responded a few weeks ago about what they expected for the sentence of his nephew. He could not imagine what the final verdict of the court would be.
