Antonio Carmona, devastated, mourns the death of his nephew with a sad message

Antonio Carmona (59 years old) has spent an unforgettable summer between work and family. The singer can boast of being one of those Spanish artists who has not lacked work for decades, and his summers are always full of concerts. At the same time, he has spent many happy years with his wife Mariola Orellana, with whom he has two daughters of whom he is very proud. Without forgetting that he has many friends who always speak wonderfully of him. However, he has not been able to close the summer months as he would have liked. Antonio Carmona has received a hard blow that he himself has reported via social networks.

Antonio Carmona regrets the death of his nephew

The singer has published on Instagram a photograph with which he has lamented the death of his nephew. Antonio Carmona wanted to share with his followers his sadness by commenting that “these past few days it was hard for me to accept that you are no longer here, my dear nephew Manuel.” Words with which he has reflected that the loss of this member of his family has been very difficult to accept. “You deserve to be in the highest heaven, I will miss you… I love you,” was the very emotional way in which he expressed his sadness. the vocalist of the group Ketama has concluded one of his most complicated messages. Antonio Carmona has not given any further details about the death of his nephew. What is known is that, as 'El Español' has been able to find out, the deceased was the son of a first cousin of the singer.

Although this is a difficult pain to deal with, Antonio Carmona has something to lean on. The singer, as soon as he made this post on Instagram, has received many messages of support from followers and friends. Among the well-known faces who have left words of condolence and encouragement for the artist, have been the model Marisa Jara, the actor Fernando Tejero, her good friend the singer Lolita… Gestures that the artist has surely greatly appreciated in these difficult times for his family.

Mariola Orellana, Antonio Carmona's wife, reacts to the death of her nephew

The one who has also commented on the photograph with which Antonio Carmona has reported the loss of his nephew, has been his wife Mariola OrellanaThe representative left a comment full of sad faces, reflecting the pain she also feels at having said goodbye to her nephew.

Antonio Carmona, focused on his work and his family

Now, to Antonio Carmona He has no choice but to pull himself together and resume his commitments. The singer has a year ahead of him that, as always, is sure to be full of work. And not just for him. For some time now, the artist has also been very attentive to his daughters' musical career. Both Lucia Fernanda and Marinathe fruit of his marriage to Mariola Orellana, have followed in his footsteps in the world of music. Antonio is always his best support and is very proud of both of them. Something to which we must add his role as a grandfather.In February of this year, Antonio Carmona and Mariola Orellana They made their debut in this field. Their daughter Lucía Fernanda became a mother for the first time, filling the family with happiness with the arrival of the new member. A baby that will surely delight her grandparents and help them overcome the difficult experience of their nephew's death.