'The 47' – Long live our driver, driver, tor

It seems that Marcel Barrena has learned something and/or improved since his debut with '100 meters'. It can be said that 'The 47' It is a bit of the same type of film, as you can also say that within the same type of film it is more successful than '100 meters'. In fact, and unlike the one mentioned, it can be said, and in fact we are going to say it that 'The 47' It's a satisfying enough movie that it doesn't make us as lazy as that one…

'The 47' It doesn't deceive: It is a kind, good-natured and obvious denunciation film whose best argument is, precisely, its kind, good-natured and obvious character. That is, it doesn't deceive and, roughly speaking, it will convince anyone who goes to see it convinced. Because it works, wielding a low profile supported by the utmost correctness of all its elements, in this case arranged on the board in a logical and orderly manner, fully aware of what they are and what they are for. Although the seams are still seen as a product as mechanical and usual as it is effective and efficient for those who don't want to go looking for its flaws. And the fact is that, although it generally lacks elaboration, it has too much rigidity and on an audiovisual level it is presented with little care, one could say, and in fact we are going to say that it maintains from beginning to end an integrity and a dignity that, although they won't make history, at least it will provide you with an entertaining journey through history. And if not, we will always have Eduard Fernández, an actor who rarely fails to measure up.