A fashion revolution is coming; stretchable screens have found their way onto clothing

During Seoul Fashion Week, LG Display presented stretchable screens that can be integrated with the wardrobe. This opens up completely new possibilities for clothing designers. Perhaps in a few years, clothes will be able to change, adapting to our mood or individual needs. LG Display is working on such a vision of the wardrobe of the future, which it presented at the fashion fair Seoul Fashion Week. The prototype technology of flexible and stretchable displays integrated with the wardrobe was shown there..

Stretchable screens in clothes of the future

During the fashion event, viewers could see models on the catwalk, wearing conceptual clothes and handbags with built-in flexible screens. The project uses displays that LG Display first showed to the world in 2022. These are 12-inch screens, which, thanks to their flexible design, can be stretched to a maximum of 14 inches, as well as bent and twisted. They maintain the 100ppi resolution of a regular monitor and the full color spectrum. The screens are integrated into the sleeves and fronts of clothes and clutches created by leading South Korean designers.

Source: LG Display This technology could open up completely new possibilities for fashion designers, allowing them to create clothes with never-before-seen functions. The owner will be able to, for example, change the colour of her handbag or a new pattern presented on its surface.. The same can be done with a T-shirt or other item of clothing.

stretchable screens

Source: LG Display Interestingly, the stretchable screens can be attached not only to clothes but also to the skin. Assuming that the manufacturer manages to develop an appropriate power source, it could produce lightweight screens mounted on our arms. This would create devices that would replace smartwatches and smartphones, offering possibilities we have never dreamed of. For now, such a technological novelty is of course just a concept, but LG Display promises that it will continue to develop the technology and is currently looking for ideas for its commercial application. It cannot be ruled out that in a few years the first products using this technology will appear on the market.