Daniel Sancho's final request after being transferred to the high security module in Surat Thani

The life sentence of Daniel Sancho (30 years old) accused of premeditatedly killing Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta in August 2023 has radically changed the routine to which he had already become accustomed in Koh Samui. The son of Rodolfo Sancho He was transferred imminently to Surat Thani prisonand it is there where he will presumably serve the entire sentence. A prison in extreme conditions, which doubles its capacity with more than 5,000 prisoners, and where all of them are imprisoned for blood crimes. During the first days he remained in an isolation module respecting the mandatory quarantine dictated by the COVID protocol that they maintain in the country. Time that has already come to an end. As has transpired, Daniel has been transferred to high security module 6. This is an “adaptation” area where he will share space with 20 other prisoners, including another young man of Austrian origin. According to EFE, the young chef will remain in this module for several weeks, and will then be transferred to the official module where he will be able to practice sports and carry out other types of activities. Daniel Sancho, desperate, would have asked the prison management to speed up the processThe young man believes that he has fully adapted to the circumstances after having spent a year in prison in Koh Samui, which is why he intends to skip this second stage of adaptation. “It's all very unfair. It was all an accident, it will be proven. I want to defend myself until the end. I don't understand a life sentence. It's not fair. I only defended myself, I only defended myself“Daniel told his father, Rodolfo Sancho, after learning of the sentence in a private conversation to which the program 'TardeAR' had access. Although Daniel's legal team is already working to present the first appeal with the aim of getting the sentence reduced, Rodolfo Sancho's son will have to remain in Surat Thani, at least, until the final sentence is obtained. Time that could be extended for another year.

Silvia Bronchalo visits her son Daniel in prison

Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo traveled to Thailand to accompany their son on the day of the reading of the sentence and are still there. Proof of this is that the investment analyst was seen last Thursday at the gates of the prison, a visit that lasted for 3 hours and during which she was able to see her son through a glass window. With no time to waste, Silvia went to the prison to visit her son as soon as she was allowed. In recent days, Daniel has not been able to have any kind of contact with anyone outside except his Thai lawyer. From now on, You will be entitled to one visit and two video calls per weekAs for Rodolfo Sancho, the actor has reportedly left Thailand without saying goodbye to his son in person. According to a source close to the family, Daniel has asked his parents to smooth things over at this delicate time, but it seems that Silvia and Rodolfo's relationship seems unsalvageable.

The 'Sancho Case' hits television on September 12

Next Thursday, September 12, HBO MAX will release three new episodes of the documentary series based on the 'Sancho Case'. Until now, only chapter 0 had been broadcast, which reviewed the tragic event with exclusive statements from Rodolfo Sancho and Darlin Arrieta, the victim's sister. Now, with the sentence already on the table, the portal has announced the release of three new episodes.You are going to see a very different Rodolfo than the one we saw in episode zero.”said Juan Ramón Gonzalo, general director of Cuarzo. “It is a very sensitive issue and we have treated it very carefully. We have done a lot of research because we knew it was a topic of great interest,” he said. The expectation is at its highest. The rain of criticism surrounding Rodolfo Sancho's participation has been maximum, however, behind this media step forward there is a weighty reason. “He did it to cover the economic need that saving his son's life entails,” said Carmen Balfagón, spokesperson for the family.