The unknown life of David Broncano: his studies, his family, his professional past and his famous partner

This Monday, September 9, has been a very special and significant day for David Broncano (39 years old). The presenter made his debut on Spanish Television with the program 'La Revuelta' after having been successful for a long time with 'La Resistencia' on another channel. This program is the public entity's bet on the famous presenter, offering all viewers a fun and interesting space in prime time that basically maintains the essence and the same set of Broncano's previous program. After a great premiere, in which he almost equaled the audience of his great competitor, 'El Hormiguero', today We want to delve a little deeper into the life of its presenter, of whom we know various intimate details, such as his famous partner and his family.

The big family of David Broncano

The presenter was born on December 30, 1984 in Santiago de Compostela, although He and his family moved to Jaén shortly after coming into the world.His parents are called Javier and Isabel and his mother is a maths teacher at the high school where he himself studied. In fact, Broncano himself wanted to share a nice and funny anecdote about his parents and how they met some time ago: “The other day my parents told me that they met in Madrid while partying in the eighties. They didn’t exchange phone numbers or anything, but they liked each other a bit and spent a few days in El Retiro. My father went, but my mother didn’t,” he said.

Despite this snub, fate is very wise and decided to unite them forever, since, “a week later, with how big Madrid is, they met on the street by chance, they lived in different neighborhoods. Now they are husband and wife, I was born…”, commented Broncano, who also has a younger brother. Daniel Broncano is a well-known clarinetist, who is also a member of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of London and is now also technical director of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra.

The harsh experience of Broncano's brother

Daniel Broncano made clear his great passion for music from a very young age, when he even He put together a classical music program on local radio. He ended up studying at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid and at the Royal College of Music in London, according to 'Mujer Hoy'. In fact, he loves music so much that he ended up setting up a music festival to give visibility to all kinds of artists, something he created with his wife, New Zealand mezzo-soprano Felicity Smithwith which he gave life to the Music Festival in Segura in the Natural Park of the Sierras of Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas (Jaén).

Unfortunately, the young woman never got to see this festival in action, as she passed away a few months before its debut: “Felicity died suddenly eight months before the first festival“, a fact that turned my life upside down,” Daniel told 'El País'.

Broncano's studies and professional past

The presenter left Jaén to study Computer Science and Advertising and Public Relations at the Complutense University in Madrid, although he has also mentioned having studied Physics, another of his great passions. Later, at the age of 22, He competed in the Telemadrid program 'Metro a Metro'which encouraged him to continue in the world of television.David BroncanoGTRES Shortly after, he got the chance to take part in 'Nuevos Cómicos', on Paramount Comedy, as reported by 'Infobae'. This aspect was not particularly liked by his family, but he continued on to other programmes such as 'El club de la comedia', 'No somos nadie' or 'Anda Ya o Yu, no te pierdas nada'. After these experiences he ended up on Cadena Ser, where he had his first great success, 'La vida moderna', which led him to collaborate with Andreu Buenafuente on 'Lait Motiv'who gave him the opportunity to present 'La Resistencia', a format that even won the Ondas Award for Best Entertainment Program in 2019.

Broncano's love life

The journalist has had various romances with some well-known women, although not all of them have worked out as he would have liked. After the rumors that linked him with people like Adriana Ugarte or Cristina Tevait was in 2019 when he met his first partner, Tennis player Paula Badosawhom he dated until October 2020.David Broncano and Silvia AlonsoDavid Broncano and Silvia AlonsoGtres Even so, they ended up breaking up and in 2021 we met his new partner, the actress Silvia Alonso, with whom we were even able to see him at the Mutua Madrid Open, where they were very close and complicit at all times.