Frank Cuesta's unexpected joy in his legal battle against his ex-wife Yuyee

Frank Cuesta (52 years old) already you can breathe easy. It's been a very turbulent few months with his ex-wife Yuyee (51 years old), who was asking for an unfair rent and an astronomical sum to keep the animal sanctuary in Thailand where he cares for the numerous species that he recovers from illegal sale. The herpetologist bought the property and adapted it so that birds and mammals could adapt again to their life in freedom, but He had to name it after the mother of his children. because in the Asian country you cannot legally have a child if you are not from there. Although Cuesta and Yuyee had always maintained a cordial relationship for the sake of their children, after the divorce last December 2023 everything changed. She began to ask him for more money as support and alimony, something that does not exist in Thailand. But they reached an agreement that according to his ex-wife he did not comply with. Of course, Frank showed that had been passing him large amounts of baths (the country's currency) for months, amounts with which life in the country would be more than luxurious. For weeks Frank tried to save the sanctuary in every possible way. He put big influencers in our country to ask their followers to lend him a hand through memberships with which to raise enough money to pay Yuyee. And although they raised a large sum, it was not enough. The presenter also gave up. He assured her that this was a trap that would never end and that she would continue to ask for more and more without keeping her word. It was then that the children of both They spoke for the first time to take their father's side claiming that they did not understand how their mother was daring to do so much when he always looked after them. Far from mediating between them, the situation worsened and Yuyee contacted her lawyers so that everything would be more closely tied to the law and that's when Frank said 'enough'. He started looking for a new space for all the animals even though he knew that this would mean that many of them would suffer stress and would not be able to recover. A hard blow for a job that had taken years. But luckily everything seems to have worked out. an unexpected last-minute twist.

Frank reclaims sanctuary for his children

Although Yuyee had already sold a part of the sanctuary, it seems that Frank has already recovered it (they are already looking into how to acquire the missing area). A joy in the midst of so much controversy that makes him very happy. Finally, what everyone was waiting for has happened: that the presenter could keep the property. And that is that sHis ex-wife has agreed to transfer it to the name of the children they have in common.Zorro and Frank Cuesta recover the lands of Thailand. Youtube “We already have the lands. It's already done. We've already put them together. Now there is one that we have to deal with, with another owner. We have all the papers, everything done. It is now in the name of Zorro and the company with his brothers. The money has already been transferred (about 162,000 euros), You can see it. They are still inside but they don't want to come out while we are recording.“Frank said, showing the sanctuary scriptures.It has been one of the ugliest moments because the relationship between Zorro and his mother is very deteriorated.She came with a lawyer, with an assistant, she came with Ratta, which is the real name of her partner. It was ugly because when she got there she saw a son and his mother who didn't want to look at her and she didn't make a fuss about greeting him. The couple was looking at the papers all the time… I moved away so as not to say anything… It all seemed very ugly to me. The papers were ready, we made the change and we joined three pieces into one and the camp. I have the owner's phone number for the Savannah part and we will try to buy it later or do a long distance lease for 20 years or so. We'll see. I don't think there will be a problem. Afterwards we had to go to the registry office to put the address in our name. It was also ugly because they called the police because they thought we were going to do something to them. We were just standing next to the car waiting to do things. My son couldn't believe it and said 'what a level of paranoia' but I laughed a lot. They no longer have any power over me.“, Cuesta explained on his YouTube channel. In addition, the presenter has said that these days Yuyee has behaved very badly with his children. Last September was Zape's birthday and he did not call him or send him any messages, only a few words on Instagram. “The fact that the sanctuary is in the name of our children is sad, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth because it has deteriorated the family. We always said that we came first and Zorro could not believe that he was by his mother's side and she did not speak to him or say anything because of 'the thing', as they call their partner. We are already at an age and we know who to relate to.
