Isa Pantoja releases a statement to give the latest news on her health status with a clear hint

The health of Isa Pantoja (28 years old) has been the subject of comments for a few days. What was initially indicated to her as gas, has finally ended in an appendicitis operation from which she is currently recovering. Asraf Beno (28 years old) has been in charge of reporting on the progress of his wife and now it has been she who has wanted to reappear on her social networks to thank the messages received. Although she does not seem to have forgotten some people in said statement. During the last few days there has been talk of the possibility that her relatives have come to see her. Isa is admitted to the hospital in El Puerto de Santa María, just a few kilometers from the places of residence of her relatives. Her cousin Anabel Pantoja has not hesitated to take the car to go see her in full pregnancy, a gesture that demonstrates the good relationship between them. But what is happening with her brother and her mother?

Isa Pantoja's statement with a clear hint

The truth is that the latest information leads us to think that neither Isabel Pantoja nor Kiko Rivera have gone to visit their relative. The crossroads were resolved and neither of them would have traveled at such a delicate moment in which she finds herself. However, Asraf's wife is fully concerned about her recovery and her desire to return home to rest as soon as possible. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have worried about me. They have not been able to discharge me because I am still recovering, since it was more complicated than we initially thought,” she begins writing on her social networks after a few days in which she has been disconnected for more than obvious reasons. “I hope to go home soon,” she adds about her desire to be able to rest in peace. However, the statement concludes with a very clear message that does not specify who it is addressed to, but we can get a slight idea. “In these moments is when you realize the people who are really by your side and truly love you,” concludes Isa. In this way, he sends a message to those who have not been by his side during these times when his health has been affected by the operation he has undergone.Isa PantojaInstagram @isapantojam