Sara Carbonero proudly shows the scar that remains on her body: “War wound”

Sara Carbonero (40 years old) is very discreet about her private life. Despite being one of the most popular presenters in our country and her marriage to Iker Casillas making her popularity skyrocket, the communicator likes to keep her personal life private. But from time to time, she does not hesitate to use the platform that her fame gives her to give visibility to some issues and support those who can identify with her in some somewhat complicated situations. Now she has done so by sharing a most significant photograph.Sara Carbonero is very involved at Slowlove, the fashion brand that he shares with his friend and partner Isabel JiménezThe presenter acts as a model for the brand's campaigns, and this time she has done it in a very special way. Sara has shared some photos on Instagram in which she poses with some of the new garments from her brand. These images, in addition to the clothes she is wearing, attract attention because in one of them she shows one of her scars.

Sara Carbonero shows one of her scars

It was two years ago when Sara Carbonero had to undergo surgery a malignant tumor in the ovary. A process that she has mentioned on specific occasions. Now she has revealed what she has called “some war wound that smiles on the skin”. On the right side of the second photo of the publication, you can see just above the pants that scar that Sara has mentioned in the text and that she has shown proudly. A way of normalizing this type of marks that so many people have on their skin and that she prefers to see in the most natural way and as something that reminds her that she overcame that operation that marked a before and after in her life.

As soon as I shared this photo on Instagram, Sara Carbonero has received several comments who have praised her gesture. Among them, those of her friend Isabel Jiménez, her colleague Carme Chaparro, the photographer who took the photo Félix Valiente… People who always show her their support and who now wanted to highlight the fact that she has shown this “war wound”. Among these reactions, the one from her friend Isabel Jiménez stands out for the tense moment they had last week. At the exit of an event, Isabel Jiménez asked her friend a question a bit awkwardly to get her out of another question that she didn't like at all that the press asked her. Isabel did it without thinking that Sara would be bothered by her gesture, but Iker Casillas' ex-wife found it inevitable to respond somewhat tensely. A moment to which they have not given more importance. Since then, they have shared several photos together and now Isabel has responded to the significant photo of her friend praising her “war wounds… Beautiful.”

The other significant image that Sara Carbonero has shared

This gesture of Sara Carbonero showing off her scar, comes a few hours after she shared another image that caught attention.Sara Carbonero@saracarbonero The presenter uploaded a photo to Instagram with a cat, and accompanied the photo with a revealing text. “It took her months to let myself be pampered and even touched, and now she is the best caregiver. When she wants to, she leaves, but she is always there when she has to be. With precise intuition… In another life I want to be a cat,” she wrote, but without specifying what exactly she meant by “she is there when she has to be” or “when she wants to, she leaves.”