Elena Tablada, very hurt, reveals with a harsh reproach the information that her mother hid from her about Javier Ungría

Elena Tablada (43 years old) has taken a step forward that is not leaving anyone indifferent. The presenter has sat next to Psychologist Andrea Vicente in 'I'm staying with myself' the Mtmad program In this article, she does therapy on the issues in her life that have left the biggest mark on her. As expected, Elena talks about her relationships with both David Bisbal and Javier Ungría, the fathers of her two daughters. She has been very harsh with her exes and has revealed controversial episodes that are causing a stir. But they have not been the only ones affected by her words. Now, the designer has dared to publicly reproach her mother.Elena, mother of Elena Tablada, She has not hesitated to sit next to her in 'Me quedo conmigo' to be part of this process that, according to the designer, is healing for her. The former partner of David Bisbal, in this therapy in which she is letting go so much, has spoken about the role that her mother has had in her life. The relationship they have is not bad and there are situations in which Elena finds in her mother one of her fundamental pillars. However, there have also been gestures of hers that she believes have marked her for the worse and others related to her exes that she now reproaches him for.

Elena Tablada's reproach to her mother for getting along with Javier Ungría

Because if Elena Tablada has made one thing clear during one of the episodes of 'I'm staying with me', it is that she does not care no joke that his mother talks to Javier Ungría. She also said it to his face. With her mother sitting next to her, the designer said of the businessman that “he has a great ability to tell things in a certain way that his entire family had blocked me from. They didn't even greet me when the trial took place, only the mother because she had no other option.” And it was then that she commented that “I see that he even manages to get my mother to take his side. No human being deserves what he did to me.” As soon as she heard the interview, This reproach from her daughter, Elena Tablada's mother did not hesitate to respond. “You are not going to do the same thing to me as with David, I did not want him to talk to me either, and you will understand that he is the father of my granddaughter. The same thing happened, not the same but… We got along very well with everyone,” were the words with which she affirmed that for her granddaughters, she does want to have a relationship with both David Bisbal and Javier Ungría even if her daughter does not like it. For Elena Tablada's mother, the well-being of her granddaughters is above all else and she does not want to get involved in the trouble that her daughter has with the girls' fathers. In fact, Elena's mother has reiterated that, although she understands that her daughter I don't want to know anything about Javier Ungría“I told him that I am not going to stop talking to Javier and his mother, because that girl is his daughter and she is my granddaughter.” Tablada then showed understanding in this regard and said that “I do not want him to stop talking to him because I am aware that he is the father and he will always be there.” But then, she made clear what really bothers her.

Elena Tablada talks about secret conversations between her mother and Javier Ungría

“What bothers me is that I talk to him in secret,” Elena said. A statement to which the designer’s mother replied that “I don’t do it in secret, I always told you. You told me not to talk to Javi and no…”. So, Tablada has continued his speech towards his mother telling her that “what makes me distrust you is when you do things without telling me anything.” Words that her mother has once again denied. “I am not hiding anything from you. I told you that I was not going to stop talking to Javi because I want to have a good relationship like I had with David,” was the blunt statement with which her mother has settled this thorny issue that affects the mother-daughter relationship.
