The Interterritorial Council for Internationalization will meet in November in Albacete under the presidency of C-LM

ALBACETE, 11 Sep. (EUROPA PRESS) – Albacete will host the national meeting of the Interterritorial Council for Internationalisation on 28 and 29 November, a body formed by ICEX together with all the autonomous communities, the Chamber of Commerce and Spain and the CEOE to promote the international projection of the Spanish economy, and whose six-month presidency is held in this second half of the year by Castilla-La Mancha. This was announced on Wednesday by the Minister of Economy, Business and Employment, Patricia Franco, who stressed that this meeting will make Albacete the epicentre of the internationalisation of the national economy, in a province that is “very dynamic and shows a great capacity for external projection”. This body is an important forum for sharing experiences and measures that favour the internationalisation of the economy in a double sense, “both in the stimulation and increase of exports and to promote the attraction of international investment projects to our territory”, and Castilla-La Mancha, within the framework of the presidency of the Council that it holds in this second half of the year, will be in charge of organising the meeting, through the Institute for Foreign Promotion (IPEX) of the Ministry of Economy, Business and Employment. The councillor made this announcement within the framework of the breakfast that the Association of Businesswomen of Albacete and its Province (Amepap) celebrates annually at the FEDA stand at the Albacete Fair, where she also valued the work that the association chaired by Toñi Pastrana carries out to make visible the businesswomen and entrepreneurs of the province and the region, a commitment that it shares with the regional Government, the Board reported in a statement. In this regard, Patricia Franco recalled that, before the summer, the Government of Castilla-La Mancha called for aid for the start-up and consolidation of self-employed activity in the region, endowed with 13 million euros and two lines of direct aid: one for the start-up of self-employed activity endowed with 3,000 euros, and another for the consolidation of the activity, with aid of 2,000 euros. “We are processing the more than 5,300 files that have been submitted to this line, and we have already paid more than 1.5 million euros that are already in the pockets of the self-employed men and women who have started or want to consolidate their activity in Castilla-La Mancha” the councilor has advanced, who has valued that, within the registered applications, “one in four comes from the province of Albacete, which shows the dynamism of this province in the economic activity of the region”, and that, also within the total of more than 5,300 files, “52 percent are from women, an example of the drive we are making to increase the female presence in the labor market, also in the field of self-employment”. OBJECTIVES 2025 The president of Amepap, Toñi Pastrana, has announced during the breakfast that in 2025 one of its objectives “will not only be to work for the female business fabric of our province, but also for that of Castilla-La Mancha. There is a lot of female talent in our region.” Regarding the association's agenda in the coming months, she reported that on October 3 she will be “at the Summit of the Federation of Presidents of Businesswomen of all Spain representing Castilla-La Mancha to talk about all the talent, to talk about businesswomen, to talk about entrepreneurship, but not only about the good. We will also talk about the bureaucratic obstacles we are having, how we suffer the consequences of the increase in taxes, the uncertainty and lack of conciliation of work and family life.” Likewise, Pastrana has mentioned the upcoming celebration of the XIX edition of the 'Entre Nosotras Awards', which will take place on November 6 where eight businesswomen from the province will be recognized, and which will take place at the emblematic Teatro Circo, the Association reported in a statement. For his part, the president of FEDA, Artemio Pérez Alfaro, wanted to emphasize that the Business Confederation always defends and supports “women joining and being part of the business fabric. Although it is true that we are still far from the percentages that legally correspond to them with respect to the incorporation of management positions in companies.” The first vice president of the Provincial Council, Francisco Valera, has also been supporting the work of Albacete businesswomen, who has emphasized that “we must continue giving value to female talent, and for this reason we congratulate Amepap for the work they do throughout the year and tell them that, from the Provincial Council, we are committed to continuing with this collaboration that goes far beyond our presence here today.” For her part, councilor Rosa González de la Aleja has conveyed that the Albacete City Council will continue to lend its support to the association “to continue making visible the needs that businesswomen have, such as work-life balance and salary improvements.”

Hritik Verma: