Sara Carbonero shares an enigmatic reflection on her recent ups and downs with a firm statement of intent

Starts autumn and with it the best opportunity to take stock of the summer and set goals for the new season. This is something that Sara Carbonero (40 years old) has done on the day when the new stage begins. The presenter has shared A series of autumn photos on Instagram which she has accompanied with a very profound text with which she has said a lot. Sara has made reference to the ups and downs experienced in recent months, to the people who have been by her side and to what her intentions are for the coming weeks. Through a writing full of metaphors, Sara Carbonero has expressed “These weeks have been a bit of everything. There has been sun, there has been rain. There have been friends who offer umbrellas. Friends who offer refuge. Family who offer courage.” These words refer to the fact that the last period has had both bad and good moments and that, fortunately, she has been well surrounded by her closest circle, made up of both her family and her most faithful friends.

Sara Carbonero's deep reflection on her last months

Sara Carbonero has also made reference to some family plans that have marked her summer. “We have watched all 8 seasons of 'Los Serrano' in one go,” she said. And she also alluded to those premieres that will arrive in the fall and which she is looking forward to enjoying. She also talked about music, something fundamental in her day to day life as she constantly expresses through social networks. Of all her phrases, the one that caught the attention was the one she used to say that “she has There have been plans that have been truncated and nothing happens. It must be because it wasn't the right time. Or because something better will come along.” A reflection that she made with resignation and thinking that something better will come. As a conclusion to the summer, Iker Casillas' ex-wife said that “with its light and grey, we have a beautiful end to summer to give way to my favourite season of the year.”An autumn that has asked for “He continues to teach me, even if it hurts, to separate the wheat from the chaff, until we find the right path, which is already in sight. I know this because I am less and less interested in looking back.” A most enigmatic reflection with a very firm declaration of intentions that he intends to look to the present and the future and little to the past.Instagram @saracarbonero

Sara Carbonero's projects for this autumn

On what is to come for Sara Carboneroit should be noted that she has several projects in the workplace. The presenter is focused on her fashion brand Slowlove. A company that she shares with her partner and friend Isabel Jiménez and that never ceases to bring them joy. In addition, she has several projects that she cannot reveal anything about but which she is showing enthusiasm for on social networks. On a personal level, this autumn will be marked by back to routine along with her children, her greatest priority. In addition, she has great family joy. According to what 'El Español' told a few weeks ago, His sister Irene is pregnant, So in the next few months Sara will become an aunt again. And as for love, if there is one thing that occupies her heart it is her relationship with Nacho Taboada. A relationship about which a few months ago there were rumors of a breakup that were later denied. Therefore, despite the recent ups and downs, Sara has several motivations to focus on in a course that she faces with the best of intentions.
