'Slow Horses' (S4) – More and more

I'm going to start the review of the 4th season of 'Slow Horses' In the same way that I started the third season: What can I say that is worthwhile about a third fourth season of a series that, in practice, is more of the same that has made it have a third fourth season (and a fourth fifth on the way)? Well… probably, leaving aside any other possible qualifier, the same as back then: certifying that it maintains the charm, the vigor and the effectiveness of the two three previous seasons. Adding and continuing. That it maintains it, or that it surpasses it. By power, it can. And by being already four, each one more satisfactory, with a fourth season that, of course, is not the exception. Water is wet, the sky is blue, and 'Slow Horses' It's a great series, as it has been proving season after season, to the surprise of no one who has seen it. There's no need for introductions, even more so at this point when we're so familiar with Jackson Lamb and the others that they're almost family, and precisely this possible familiarity is its only problem. If I were to mention one, if it's necessary to introduce it so soon when the series itself hasn't yet shown signs of fatigue: that of already knowing what the series is about, that of already knowing exactly what to expect. That of perhaps starting to get used to Lamb's jokes. I hope so. 'Slow Horses'obviously, is not surprising in the strictest sense of the word… although at the beginning of this fourth season it does. If that is possible, given the everydayness and familiarity with which we already address this series (or series) as “you” and not “you”. A series, without a doubt, even more so than the fourth, full of confidence in its bet and self-assurance that knows what it is going for. And even more importantly, it knows how to go and also how to get there. And that, as usually happens with any other British thriller full of more or less successful twists, works like a charm. And this is already the fourth, better or worse -to taste- while it settles on that aforementioned familiarity that although for some it may be a burden, today it is as welcoming as a warm and effusive family reunion. And there are four, in short.

'Slow Horses' continues to progress adequately and to reinforce its legend without showing signs of weakness, in a fourth season as solid and satisfactory as the previous ones may have been. Or perhaps more, why not?, since even without being a series that does not necessarily surprise… it surprises you again. Like at the beginning of its first episode… or the sixth, in an outstanding, solid and generous teamwork where everyone contributes and everything is in its place… except perhaps a River Cartwright who deserved something better…
