The psychologist Alejandra Muñoz reveals the true motive of Eloísa and Elia, the daughters of Julián Muñoz, to forgive their father

The news, although expected, has left Julián Muñoz's family devastated. The former mayor of Marbella died this week at the age of 76, a victim of an incurable cancer with which he had been fighting for a long time. His wife Mayte Zaldívar, his daughters Eloísa and Elia and the exedil's grandchildren they have mourned his death in their goodbye in Marbella, a hard farewell in which the family has made it very clear that they are very united. It has not been an easy road, the daughters of Julián Muñoz and Mayte Zaldívar saw how their parents' marriage broke up after a quarter of century together due to the entry on the scene of Isabel Pantoja, then they saw their parents attacking each other on television, sitting on a bench and, even worse, going to prison. However, both have done the path of forgiveness so that their father leaves in peace and with the conviction that his daughters do not hold any grudge against him. We have spoken with the psychologist Alejandra Muñoz and she has told us how Julián Muñoz's daughters have been able to live through all of their father's controversies and she has given us the keys to being able to forgive him despite so much pain. “When infidelity occurs in a couple, it is It not only affects the couple themselves but the entire family. In the case of Julián Muñoz and Mayte Zaldívar's daughters, they were older and adults when this broke out and a complicated family dynamic can occur. They may be forced to take one's side. of both parents and in this case even worse because It is a public issue with Isabel Pantoja involved“, the psychologist began by telling us.

The reason why Julián Muñoz was forgiven by his daughters

According to the expert, Elia and Heloísa must not have had a good time: “It is logical that many emotions appear: anger, rage, sadness, disappointment, disappointment… If it was a family in which there was a certainty of stability, since they had many years together, or a bond forged strong in the sight of the children, this grief is greater. Separation is a grief that fathers but also daughters go through, they have to make that journey and if they see that one of the two parents remakes their relationship. life, like the case of Julián, and the other person is more touched, there, even if you don't want to choose one or the other, because they are both parents, a very complicated scenario arises for a son.”Fernando, Mayte Zaldívar's boyfriend, hugs Eloísa after the death of Julián MuñozFernando, Mayte Zaldívar's boyfriend, hugs Eloísa after the death of Julián Muñoz. Gtres Heloísa and Elia spent years without having a relationship with their father, and beyond what happened in their parents' marriage they had to experience a very painful public humiliation; But after he was released from prison they approached him and accompanied him until the end. “The fact that this man has been in jail and sick It can be an opportunity or a springboard. If you are angry and you stay there resentful, reconciliation with your father is complicated, but it can be a very healing process when it comes to reconnecting with your father, being able to talk about what is left until the farewells arrive,” the psychologist explains to us. In this In this sense, Alejandra Muñoz points out: “For a person who is about to die, it can be a very healthy opportunity to discuss these issues and thus be able to die in peace and leave calmly. Being able to sit down, talkbeing able to understand that your father did the best he could and that he can make mistakes. Parents are human and people, like everyone, and sometimes we see them with the eyes of the child and we see them on an altar, as deified. When situations like this occur we put our feet on the ground, they are people who can do things that hurt others.” “To reach that forgiveness you have to talk a lot, cry a lotgo through all the emotional states, you have to get angry too… If I tell you that I forgive you but I swallow it and I'm not completely honest, it's of no use. It is necessary to go through all the stages and it is the healthiest way to truly forgive. Forgiveness towards the person and also towards ourselves, because if it is not true with me it will never be true towards the other,” explains the psychologist.Elia, daughter of Julián Muñoz, in the funeral homeElia, daughter of Julián Muñoz, in the funeral homeElia, daughter of Julián Muñoz, in the funeral home. Gtres Elia and Heloísa have had to “travel through all the states.” “Allowing yourself is the healthiest way. We talk a lot about unconditional love and really the only ones we can love unconditionally They are the children and the parents, in the end there are no conditions,” concludes the psychologist.