The message that Antonio Tejado wanted to send upon his arrival at the court without having to open his mouth

There is no doubt that this last year has been one of the most intense for Antonio Tejado (38 years old). María del Monte's nephew (62 years old) has been on provisional release since last May, waiting to sit in the dock to testify for the crime of having allegedly been the intellectual author of the brutal robbery that took place. carried out at the house of his aunt and her partner, Inmaculada Casal, last summer. In the middle of this media and judicial storm, which would be taking its toll on all those involved, Tejado He has surprised in the last few hours with his resounding message when he went to court.

Antonio Tejado's message upon arriving at the court

Every two weeks, Antonio Tejado must go to the Seville courts to sign before the judge, having arrived today, October 7, with a T-shirt on which we could read a striking message: “I live for myself and I answer to nobody”, which means “I live for myself and I don't answer to anyone“, famous phrase by Steve McQueen that decorated Tejado's outfit, who arrived at the place with a serious expression and a dull face, not wanting to stop to talk and give statements to the press present there.Gtres Without a doubt, this is a resounding declaration of intentions on the part of the tonadillera's nephew, who although he is obliged to respond to justice, considers that he should not “respond to anyone”, as the text of this striking garment states. .

The bad personal moment of Antonio Tejado

This happens in one of the worst moments in the life of the man who was once a television collaborator and one of the best-known faces on the small screen. Roof has been undergoing for months enormous media pressureand we suppose also familiar, something that would have taken its toll on him, as Anabel Gil pointed out in one of the most recent episodes of the Antena 3 program, 'Espejo Público'.GTRES The collaborator of this well-known space assures that Antonio is going to therapy since he has been diagnosed with “several pathologies” in recent times. “He is having a hard time getting back to his life.he has left Seville to have a normal life and only goes when he has to sign,” said Gil, who also commented that his visit to the courts every 15 days is one of the worst moments for him, having a hard time when he has all those cameras in front, so much so He even vomits when he gets home. once he has complied with the precautionary measures imposed to grant him provisional freedom.

Antonio Tejado's affair with Bárbara Rey

In this appearance in court he was also asked about Bárbara Rey, an artist with whom he had a relationship. a night of passion years ago, when he was still a minor. The former star has been in the spotlight in recent weeks for the leak of a series of photographs of her with King Juan Carlos, with whom she had an affair for a long time. Furthermore, also some audios of the lovers have been leaked in which they do not leave Queen Sofía particularly well, a controversial talk that does not stop being talked about and about which Antonio has not wanted to make any statement. Apparently, as revealed some time ago by the program 'Socialité', the meeting The intimate relationship between Antonio and Barbara destroyed the relationship between aunt and nephew: “It was a non-existent relationship, in which he pulled the car more approach towards her, than from her towards him,” Alba Muñoz, Tejado's ex-partner, confessed at the time.

Bárbara Rey confesses her affair with Antonio Tejado

It was ten years ago when Bárbara herself wanted to confirm this adventure in an interview in 'Sálvame Deluxe': “The boy noticed me. He told me things that not many men my age have said to me. I was amazed. To me He told me he was 18, and I found out he was 17 two or three months later. For a young boy like that to come, well placed, the truth is that it rejuvenates you“, confessed Rey, who also explained details that he didn't like so much: “I loved Antonio, but I was very aware of his physique. At the moment you are in bed you cannot be saying: 'Look how I am marked here, look what muscles I have'…”GTRES This adventure ended the relationship between Bárbara and María del Monte, who is now waiting for justice to hand down a sentence in this horrible and traumatic case for her.
