Ciudad Real wineries will participate for the first time in a trade mission to Thailand and Vietnam

CIUDAD REAL Oct. 14 (EUROPA PRESS) – The president of the Ciudad Real Provincial Council, Miguel Ángel Valverde, has visited the Virgen de las Viñas cooperative in Tomelloso, the largest winery-oil mill in the world, a framework in which he has advanced that by For the first time, a commercial mission will be carried out in Thailand and Vietnam with the participation of wineries from Ciudad Real, including Virgen de las Viñas, “to promote our wines in international markets.” Accompanied by the mayor of the municipality, Javier Navarro, and the members of the Government Team Sonia González, Rocío Zarco and Benjamín de Sebastián, he was received by the president of the cooperative, Rafael Torres. During his speech, Valverde highlighted the need to associate the National Wine Fair (Fenavin) not only with the wine sector but also with the tourist, cultural and agri-food resources of the province of Ciudad Real linked to the Quijote brand, as a way of project the wealth of our territory internationally without interfering with the hallmarks of the event, which stands out for its professional and business nature, the Provincial Council reported in a press release. During his speech, Valverde reaffirmed the support of the Ciudad Real Provincial Council for the province's wineries, and recalled the importance of the wine sector for the local economy. “We are in a province that produces 12 million hectoliters of wine per year, and in a region that is the epicenter of world wine production. Virgen de las Viñas is a reference not only for its production capacity, but also for its commitment to culture, as demonstrated by the Infanta Elena Museum and the National Painting Prize,” commented Valverde. The president of the Provincial Council has insisted that the National Wine Fair must go beyond being a strictly professional event, linking itself to the tourist, cultural and agri-food resources of the province. “We want Fenavin to be associated with the benefits of our land, without losing its professional character.” He also referred to the good management of the cooperative, which has been able to adapt to market changes, especially in a context where red wines face difficulties. “Here it has not been necessary to resort to crisis distillations, as in other communities, and that is thanks to the excellent work carried out in Virgen de las Viñas,” he stated. Likewise, he has stressed the commitment of the Provincial Council to support companies and cooperatives in the wine sector. And he concluded by saying that he hopes that “Fenavin will be a success again, and we are working to make it a platform that promotes our wineries and, at the same time, highlights all the resources that the province offers.” For his part, Rafael Torres, president of Virgen de las Viñas, has expressed his satisfaction with the visit of the authorities, thanking both the president of the Provincial Council and the mayor of Tomelloso for the interest. “It is a great satisfaction for us that they visit us and learn about our problems, but above all that they provide us with solutions. Here we are used to hearing what we lack, but we also need paths of light that allow us to move forward,” he noted. Torres has pointed out that this year's harvest has been more abundant in quantity than last year's, although with a lower alcohol content, which generates uncertainty about the final profitability for the partners. “The important thing is that a good settlement is made and that the farms are profitable, because, without a sustainable production system, it will be difficult to continue,” he assured.


He has also mentioned the problems of red wine, which faces low prices and surpluses, although, fortunately, the cooperative manages to market all of its production, and even needs to acquire wine from other areas to meet demand. The mayor of Tomelloso, Javier Navarro, has highlighted the importance of Virgen de las Viñas as the economic engine of the municipality. He has assured that it is “the home of more than 3,000 families.” Navarro then assured that the city council is committed to finding solutions to the demands of the agricultural sector, not only for the present, but also thinking about the future. In this sense, he has referred to the urbanization projects of industrial estates 28 and 30, which he considers fundamental for the growth of the cooperative and other companies in Tomelloso. “We have received a technical alternative for the development of Polígono 30, which will be evaluated by the technical services in the coming weeks. This is proof of the commitment of this government team to the industrial growth of the municipality,” explained Navarro, who also thanked Valverde for his constant support for the development of Tomelloso.


The Virgen de las Viñas winery-mill cooperative, made up of 3,000 members and a track record that supports it, is today an international reference in the wine and olive sector. It has managed to process 12 million kilos of grapes per day, with an average production of 200 million liters of wine per campaign and total storage that exceeds 285 million liters. In addition, each year it processes more than 2.5 million kilos of olives and produces 500,000 liters of top quality extra virgin olive oil. These impressive levels of excellence would not be possible without the decades of work, dedication and management that have sustained the cooperative since its founding. Since its beginnings, Virgen de las Viñas has come a long way that has allowed it to bring the fruits of the land of La Mancha to international markets, achieving global recognition. Founded in 1961 by 15 original members, the cooperative built the first large vat warehouses in the region, intended to improve and store quality wine. In 1975, in response to changing times, it began storing wine in modern steel tanks, driving continuous growth that also included the promotion of art through the National Painting Prize. Since 2008, the cooperative has carried out important expansions to meet the growing demand of its clients. Currently, it produces about 25,000 bottles a year of excellent products. In 2009, a modern auditorium, the Infanta Elena Museum, was inaugurated, intended to house and promote works of art and cultural events. Recently, it has replaced the old vinegars with modern air-conditioned warehouses that house stainless steel tanks, which reinforces its commitment to innovation and quality in production. The cooperative continues to move towards a bright future, keeping alive the heritage of the land of La Mancha and positioning itself as a world leader in the agri-food sector. These are data that Valverde and the authorities who participated in the visit have learned from the president of the cooperative, who has highlighted the long history they have achieved and the milestones achieved since the creation of the cooperative to the current moment.