The free initiative that promotes healthy eating while playing!

Did you know that 40% of Spanish children between 7 and 9 years old are overweight or obese? Together with Italy, Greece and Portugal, we are the country with the highest rate in the European Union, according to the WHO. Given this alarming situation, promoting healthy habits among minors is key to preventing them from having overweight problems and learning the importance of eating nutritious and healthy foods. And this is precisely the objective pursued by Monster Grower, a completely free Zespri initiative that encourages students to consume fruits and vegetables.

Gamification at the service of nutrition

Created with the support of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), it transforms the experience of eating these foods into a game: students become caregivers of a virtual pet whose growth and health depend on the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables. To do this, teachers include on the platform the number of fruits and vegetables that the students have brought to school on the platform; Based on this number, they will have an available amount of food to feed their pet, being able to choose between different options with different benefits based on their nutritional content. By feeding it, the pet's health values ​​change and the children receive a new accessory to decorate it and from time to time feeding it, the pet will evolve, changing its appearance, thus reinforcing the habit of bringing fruit and vegetables to the classroom. In addition, teachers have access to activity suggestions related to fruits.

The results? The students feel much more motivated, as demonstrated by the pilot test that was carried out last year in twenty Spanish centers: more than 90% of participating teachers rated the program's ability to generate healthy eating habits as outstanding, while 60% of families reported an increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables at home.

News for the new course

Monster Grower has expanded in the 2024-2025 school year, reaching 261 schools, 770 classrooms and 14,844 students during its first month, allowing more students and teachers to benefit from this tool. Its new features include:

More accessories. Now, students will receive an accessory every time they feed their 'Monster', reinforcing the continuity of the game.

New gallery. Students will be able to photograph their 'Monsters' when they reach adulthood and adopt new pets, which allows the duration of the program to be extended.

Individualized monitoring. Teachers will have the option to record the specific consumption of fruits and vegetables of each student, facilitating personalized monitoring.

How to join Monster Grower?

Those teachers who want to sign up for this initiative to participate with their students have to fill out a small form available on the Monster Grower website and create an account indicating the following information: name of the center, name and surname of the teacher, email, phone number. contact and subject taught. Once registered, you can create as many Primary classroom groups as you want; In addition to recording in their private area how many pieces of fruit and vegetables their students bring to school each day to eat at recess…

Hritik Verma: