The Journey of a Song (A Guide)

Songs have always accompanied us, from the most remote times. With different forms, sounds, attitudes and proposals but always at our side, throughout our existence, this life we ​​call human. With the passage of centuries, decades, with the evolution of human societies and technological innovations, songs have undergone many transformations, even having different lives during their existence.

Let's see an introduction to the life and miracles of a song in the 21st century.

Composition and recording

Writing a song is a task that requires handling diverse materials. Words and music, in addition to other elements such as emotion, time or style, will make it possible to complete new works. Purpose, idea, development and abandonment are the phases that lead to a song, to something that did not exist until then, and its journey into the future will begin at that very moment. This brief and powerful artifact may be echoed in voices, written on pentagrams, and converted into digital information, an audio file. But, whatever its path, once created, it will seek ears and hearts to achieve its goal, by any means. Recording songs, until a little over a century ago, was a utopia, a dream. The invention of the phonograph changed everything and opened up a new world of possibilities for both listeners and the music business. Some decades later, the digital revolution has given a new twist to our relationship with songs and the way in which musical works are marketed. Nowadays, anyone can, with very little means, record songs in their own home, in a small room, and share it with the rest of the world. In addition, digital technology can be used as another composition tool and can even help you secure copyright and complete the necessary documents for your records.

Registration, editing and publication

Intellectual property made it possible for an author to effectively have rights to his or her works. Copyright derives first from the composition itself and then from a copy of each work being deposited in state or private registries dedicated to
this, from each region. Registering with a copyright management company will make it possible for the money generated by a song or instrumental piece to reach its composer, to some extent. For a song or any musical work to be displayed, recorded or used in any way, it must have the express permission of its author or authors. And this work, as well as the pure commercial activity of offering songs in exchange for a price, is usually done by music publishers who represent the author in these matters, in exchange for a percentage of the profits. If someone wants to use our work, record it, for example, they will need the corresponding license that the publisher will negotiate on our behalf. If a record company wants to record our song, in addition to editorial permission, they will be in charge of organizing everything related to the creation of the product they want to sell, whether it be vinyl, an audio file or any other possible format. You will hire a recording studio, a producer, arrangers and musicians, if necessary, graphic designers and, in general, everything necessary so that the song can be marketed through the channels you want.

Promotion and other future uses

The song needs to be sung. Whether there is a product or not, the vocation of musical works is to be shared, to be heard and, if possible, remembered as another experience of our lives. Musical promotion tries to spread our song as widely as possible.
Radio, interviews, social networks, television or any medium imaginable can serve as a speaker for verses and music. After becoming known, a song, ours, for example, will continue its adventures in concerts and performances of all kinds. It may be important to a group of people, large or small, for a time, long or short, or it may not have much impact. It may be reinterpreted by other artists or it may appear in new audiovisual projects, in advertising or in any area where a song can contribute its magic and power. The future is, so to speak, the destiny of a song.


The journey of a song, in short, is not one. It can spend months or years in a drawer, in a half-forgotten folder and can revive after its glory days. It can take different forms, resonate in different places at the same time or be heard at different times. The journey of a song, its echo and its breath, truly has no end. Let's not wait any longer. Write your song.

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Hritik Verma: