An idea for a song. Sometimes we don't find it. Other times they spring unstoppable like a spring. There seems to be no way to control them.
What is an idea?
The reality is that ideas carry the weight of being the founders of almost everything, the beginning of the beginning, the magical seed that grows and becomes wonderful things. But, if we think about it a little, we will realize that an idea does not arise from nothing, from a vacuum, although many times we are not able to explain exactly how or where it came from. If we continue with the metaphor of the seed, we quickly understand that it comes from a fruit, from another entity, from other previous things. Additionally, to thrive and grow you need some cooperation. Earth, sun, water, a suitable climate, for example. There is a lot of superstition and fantasy surrounding ideas but they are much more everyday than we believe. They are right there in front of us, and the problem is often that they don't get enough attention and we don't give them their chance. Let's see the most important stages that affect ideas.
Before the idea
So, it is not difficult to see that the production of ideas depends almost completely on the environment, on the circumstances that arise, on how attentive and willing we are to recognize them and treat them as such.
The ideas in the songs
Okay. OK. Very good. So, finally, what are song ideas? How do we recognize them? What do they look like?
after the idea
And when we already have an idea, a generator of other related ideas, then the development of the song begins. And, surprise, what are we going to need? Yes, you guessed it: more ideas. As I have already commented earlier in this text, an idea is not alone in the universe. It arose from other ideas, it coexists with and needs other ideas and it will travel into the future among many other ideas. The special thing about that first idea is that, above all, it was the first. It was the excuse or the door, everything that came after was channeled through it. But we must keep in mind that these other ideas can become primordial ideas at any moment, generators of their own world, of their own song.
Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about ideas. They are everywhere. On the other hand, it is important to be in good condition to see them, to recognize in something, sometimes trivial, in that which apparently has no importance, a special brilliance, a hidden gem, a potential treasure. And yes, it's true, there are days of all kinds. There are more inspired moments, there are creative blocks, there are successes and mistakes, there are tastes and opinions: there are many things. But we should not get nervous or force things too much. If we use the necessary means, the ideas will come to court us, they will put their honey on our lips and we will recognize their flavor, their aroma and the ancient magic of the songs will happen once again. Call them. Receive them. Take care of them. Write your song. #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_form { } #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_column_with_background { padding: 10px; } #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_form_column:not(:first-child) { margin-left: 20px; } #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_paragraph { line-height: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_segment_label, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_text_label, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_textarea_label, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_select_label, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_radio_label, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_checkbox_label, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_list_label, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_date_label { display: block; font-weight: normal; } #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_text, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_textarea, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_select, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_date_month, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_date_day, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_date_year, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_date { display: block; } #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_text, #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_textarea { width: 200px; } #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_checkbox { } #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_submit { } #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_divider { } #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_message { } #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_form_loading { width: 30px; text-align: center; line-height: normal; } #mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_form_loading > span { width: 5px; height: 5px; background-color: #5b5b5b; }#mailpoet_form_3{border: 1px solid #fcb900;border-radius: 40px;text-align: center;}#mailpoet_form_3 form.mailpoet_form {padding: 20px;}#mailpoet_form_3{width: 70%;}#mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_message {margin : 0; padding: 0 20px;}#mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_paragraph.last {margin-bottom: 0} @media (max-width: 500px) {#mailpoet_form_3 {background-image: none;}} @media (min-width: 500px) { #mailpoet_form_3 .last .mailpoet_paragraph:last-child {margin-bottom: 0}} @media (max-width: 500px) {#mailpoet_form_3 .mailpoet_form_column:last-child .mailpoet_paragraph:last-child {margin-bottom: 0}} Please leave this field emptyDo you write songs or would you like to?
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