Sara Carbonero steps forward: she breaks her silence to clarify her relationship with Nacho Taboada

Rumors of a breakup have been chasing Sara Carbonero and Nacho Taboada for some time now. Information that seemed to be confirmed at the beginning this week with the news from '¡Hola!', which claimed that the presenter and the musician had ended their relationship after a period of comings and goings. However, a new twist has occurred that changes everything again: Sara has stepped forward and has finally clarified where her relationship with Nacho is at. Iker Casillas' ex-partner has had a conversation with Gema López, with whom she had already spoken about this situation, and has authorized her to make her words known on 'Espejo Público'. “They would have suffered a setback in their relationship, but they had not managed to break“, she assured. To understand the whole situation, the collaborator has explained the context that Sara has had to face in recent months.Sara Carbonero and Nacho Taboada@taboada_nacho Apparently, Carbonero had to deal with a health problem of his mother, Goyi Arévalo, and to have her close he proposed to go live in Madrid with her. This situation caused a whole “series of changes in Sara's personal life“. The journalist's attention was totally focused on her mother and her children, something that, inevitably, affected her relationship with Nacho. For everything to work”“certain pieces had to fit together”. And although the musician from 'Colectivo Panamera' has been a total support to his partner, “there are things that need to be adjusted and a situation that needs to be redirected.” But, have they succeeded? According to Sara's words shared by Gema, it would be like this: “We have managed to get back on track and adjust. We love each other and we want to stay together, and the plans we had for the future, even though we put them aside for a while, We want to continue carrying them out“.

The love story of Sara Carbonero and Nacho Taboada

In a hand that holds you tight while you “He plays the guitar chords of your favourite song to help you fall asleep, a voice that reads the newspaper to you every morning, firm arms that hold you up to get you back on your feet…” wrote Sara about the young man. And since they began dating, Nacho has become her greatest support in the worst moments. A loyalty, affection and respect that made them one of the strongest couples on the social scene.Sara Carbonero and Nacho TaboadaSara Carbonero and Nacho TaboadaEuropa Press However, they have rarely spoken or expressed their feelings about each other. This aforementioned text was one of the few times.As your sister says, sentimental things in private. Enjoy today (and always) because no one knows better than you that life is a fragile and fleeting sigh,” he said when their relationship came to light.

The contradictions in the (non) breakup of Sara Carbonero and Nacho Taboada

The twists and turns keep coming. After many rumors, Everything seemed to indicate that the couple had broken off their relationship.. A piece of news that made us pay attention to all the gestures between the two to try to guess when everything had gone wrong. One of the most striking things was a gesture Nacho made with Sara when, in theory, they had already broken up. Last Friday, August 16, The journalist published some beautiful snapshots enjoying a few days of disconnection. Nacho decided to appear in the comments, adding two emoticons. One was a pair of hands together, almost in a prayer shape, and another was his heart. A sign that could be interpreted as their relationship going from strength to strength. However, given their supposed breakup, could indicate the friendship they still maintain. Sara CarboneroSara CarboneroGTRES This ambiguity has continued in the following days, especially after the words that Gema López commented about Sara last Wednesday, August 21. “Sara has been nervous for two months now. “with certain information coming to light,” said Lopez. Mysterious words that seemed to cast doubt on this end of the relationship. It was not until today When we have fully understood these statementswhich seem to refer to her mother's illness and the tensions she has experienced with Taboada. And, in a new twist, the journalist herself has denied this breakup. A series of contradictions that They generate a lot of insecurity and few certainties about what the truth is about this couple's relationship.