The last days of Jimmy Giménez-Arnau: supported by his wife and with a very clear decision about his inheritance

It has been a very hard blow. The journalist Jimmy Giménez-Arnau passed away last Tuesday, September 17, at the age of 80. Somewhat retired from the media spotlight, the writer had celebrated his birthday just three days earlier. Surrounded by his wife and friends, the journalist celebrated his 80th birthday. He had already decided some time ago to put a stop to his media exposure. and focus on her well-being. Although as the profession is an internal one, she had never left journalism aside and still maintained a regular column. Gimenez-Arnau was one of the best-known faces on television. She made the leap to the medium in 'La máquina de la verdad' where she coincided with some of those who would be her unconditional followers from then on, such as the journalist and writer Pilar Eyre. Together they spent more than forty years of friendship in which they shared sets, confidences and characters. This is how she herself narrated it in the emotional farewell letter that she dedicated to him this past Tuesday. The journalist had found his place next to his wife, Sandra Salgado. She was in charge of communicating the terrible news. She did it with fortitude and drawing on that sense of humor that was so characteristic of the house.

The pain of Sandra Salgado, widow of Jimmy Giménez-Arnau

Some of the reports published this past Tuesday about Jimmy Giménez-Arnau's death stated that he had been hospitalized in recent days. The writer had turned 80 just three days earlier. It was a day of celebration in which he was able to be with his loved ones. and, above all, with his wife. Sandra Salgado had long since become his great companion. They met on the programme 'Salsa Rosa', when she, who was an editor, was going to interview him before going on set. It was love at first sight that culminated in romance. Little by little they established their relationship and became inseparable. It was she, in fact, who wanted to send a message to her colleagues at 'Ni que fueramos' to tell them the sad news. Then, very attentive, she responded to Belén Esteban thanking her for her condolences. Salgado was also the first to arrive at the Tres Cantos funeral home to say goodbye to her husband. Surrounded by those who were her colleagues at 'Deluxe', from Terelu Campos to María Patiño, she said goodbye to the writer. The pain was visible on her face. In addition, she arrived supported by crutches that made it difficult for her to get there. She was the living image of loss.
Sandra Salgado woman JimmyGtres

Very clear about his legacy

Jimmy Giménez-Arnau had spoken about his death on many occasionsHis humour and irony made him take the edge off anything. María Patiño recalled this last Tuesday when she said that Jimmy had told her that the news he would have liked to give the most was that of his own death. One of his caustic comments that earned him well-deserved fame. In one of the last interviews he gave, Giménez-Arnau made it clear that his intention was for his inheritance to be divided equally between his wife and his daughter. Leticia, the journalist's only descendant, the fruit of his marriage to Merry Martínez-Bordiú, had no relationship with her father. In fact, she had not had one since she was a child. The great sorrow that Jimmy could not resolve. The journalist told Bertín Osborne on his programme that if she did not want to see him, he was not going to beg for affection either. But many of his friends recognised that he was brought to tears when he saw a photo of her. The hard end of the relationship with Franco's granddaughter also ended up affecting his role as a father. Throughout all these years, Jimmy's daughter's life has been very discreet.Leticia rebuilt her life and also got married.. His father acknowledged that they had no relationship and made it clear that it would be very difficult to resolve this. As confirmed by his friends, such as Lydia Lozano, this ended up happening. They were not able to meet again during their lifetime.

The many reactions to the death of Jimmy Giménez-Arnau

The death of Jimmy Giménez-Arnau has left everyone in shock. Nobody expected this outcome. It is true that in recent times he had slowed down and no longer appeared in the media as before. He kept up a regular collaboration with the press and little else. We no longer saw him on the sets as before, of course time had passed and age is unforgiving. But he was still strong and brave as always. Close friends like Pilar Eyre and colleagues like Jorge Javier Vázquez or Ana Rosa Quintana could not help but refer to him in high terms. Giménez-Arnau revolutionized the gossip press from within and from without. He was the protagonist of the first exclusive in history and told everything he experienced with the Franco family first hand. Nobody knew better than him.