Luis Pliego, director of Lecturas, reveals the real objective of Ángel Cristo Jr. with the photographs of Bárbara Rey and Juan Carlos

It has been the bombshell of the day. Of the week, of the month and even of the year. After several decades of talking about the famous photographs of Bárbara Rey and King Juan Carlos, they have finally seen the light. The Dutch newspaper 'Prive' has published, exclusively, the famous snapshots in which we can see the monarch and the former vedette in a loving and complicit attitude. How did it happen? The backstory is very simple: Ángel Cristo Jr., who claims to have taken those images, has sold those photos, through an agency, to a foreign media outlet. And not only that. The former survivor has made several statements to the aforementioned portal.I had to follow them from the porch, to the barbecue, to the pool. They were in a romantic mood. I take as many photos as I can. One roll after another. My fear is that the king might realise I was taking photos because I was looking at the camera a lot,” says Ángel.

The motive of Angel Cristo Jr.

But what led Christ to reveal all this? It is true that the relationship between mother and son takes time. “It may not be the best since the young man's devastating interview on '¡De Viernes!', but nothing has happened recently to incite this reaction. Luis Pliego, director of the magazine Lecturas, has been in charge of revealing in 'Tarde AR' the reason that has led Ana Herminia's boyfriend to sell these images.”I have spoken with Angel's entourage. What he wants is to prove that his mother is lying when she says that she did not blackmail the king, that these photographs were exchanged for 30 million pesetas. That he took the photos“, Pliego began. In response to Barbara's statements stating that it was not her son who took the photographs, Cristo appeared very calm. “He says he can prove it. He wanted to upload them to YouTube. Make them available to everyone. After he was advised, they told him that The best thing was to take it to the foreign press“, the journalist continued reporting.Sofia ChristSofía Cristo harshly confronts Susanna Griso and threatens to leave the set of 'Espejo Público'Sofía Cristo harshly confronts Susanna Griso and threatens to leave the set of 'Espejo Público'And even more. Luis has stated that these would not be the only images of Bárbara and Juan Carlos.These and other photographs will be seen in other media and other countries around the world,” the director of Lecturas stated categorically. Thus, this controversy is still far from over.

King Juan Carlos' reaction to the publication of the photos of Bárbara Rey

Throughout the day, we have been able to learn Bárbara Rey's reaction to the photos. Very affected, the former vedette has assured, actively and passively, that she is going to take legal measures because they are images that belong to her privacy. Also, speaking with 'Tarde AR', she has been very harsh with her son, making it clear that this action shows “the kind of person he is.”But how has the emeritus king taken it? We are used to members of the royal family not speaking out about the scandals surrounding their lives. In fact, the collaborator of Ana Rosa Quintana's program stated that “The Royal Family will not comment on the matter. It is a private matter for King Juan Carlos and it does not affect them.” The former monarch does not seem to want to say anything in public either, but Silvia Taulés has I have been able to know how he reacted.Juan CarlosJuan CarlosGTRES The journalist from 'Vanitatis' has spoken with the entourage of Queen Sofia's husband and, after much insistence, they have revealed how they are.They are shocked. They are surprised. that these images could have been published because it is in a private place,” the journalist began. For the friends of Don Juan Carlos, “he is the victim of a manhunt” and they rule out that this has to do with “the war between Bárbara and Ángel, but that the final objective is Juan Carlos.” These photographs come at a very special time for the father of King Felipe VI. Yesterday It came to light that the emeritus was going to publish his memoirs. Under the title of 'Reconciliation', Princess Leonor's grandfather intends to explain his entire story, from his childhood to some of the events that have marked his career as king. The reason for doing so is that he feels that “They are stealing my story”an expression that not all experts liked. Daniel SanchoDaniel SanchoTotally unexpected turn in the Daniel Sancho case: FACUA forced to report fraud related to the crime of Edwin ArrietaTotally unexpected turn in the Daniel Sancho case: FACUA forced to report fraud related to the crime of Edwin ArrietaThus, Juan Carlos was totally excited about this project until these snapshots saw the light.It is a very happy and relaxed moment for him. and they have ruined all the joy he could have had. He was happy because he had found his place after all the problems and now he finds himself in a love affair that he had more than overcome,” Taulés continued. A furious reaction that could be repeated if more images are published.

Barbara Rey announces legal measures

If King Juan Carlos has been slow to speak out, Bárbara Rey has been even less so. The starlet was in shock at the publication of the images. She expressed this in conversation with 'Espejo público' and 'Vamos a ver'. Rey has made it clear that she plans to take legal action in this regard since these are images of her privacy and taken within private property. In addition, she has insisted on making it clear that her son Ángel was not the one who took the images. Something that does not fit with what has been explained throughout the day.