Prices of industrial exports and imports moderate their increase in August to 0.9% and 1%

MADRID, September 30 (EUROPA PRESS) – The General Export Price Index of industrial products rose 0.9% in August compared to the same month in 2023, a rate one tenth lower than that of July, as reported by this Monday the National Institute of Statistics (INE). Regarding import prices of industrial products, they rose 1% year-on-year in the eighth month of the year, a rate one point lower than that of the previous month. With the rebound in August, import prices have had four consecutive months of year-on-year increases, while export prices have added three months of positive rates.


According to Statistics, among the sectors with a positive influence on the evolution of the prices of industrial exports, energy stood out, which raised its annual rate by two tenths in August, to -4.7%, due to the increase in production costs. , transportation and distribution of electrical energy. On the other hand, among the sectors with negative influence, non-durable consumer goods stood out, which presented an annual rate of 3.2%, eight tenths lower than that of July, due to the lower prices in the manufacture of vegetable oils and fats. and animals. Excluding energy, the annual rate of the general export price index decreased two tenths in August, to 1.2%, standing three tenths above the rate of the general index. In monthly rate (August over July), export prices of industrial products rose by 0.3% after those related to the production, transportation and distribution of electrical energy shot up by 21.3% and rebounded by 3.4%. % manufacturing prices of metal elements for construction.


Regarding the import prices of industrial products, they rose 1% year-on-year in the eighth month of the year, a rate one point lower than that of the previous month. By sector, all had a negative influence on this evolution, especially energy, which cut its interannual rate by 6.5 points, to 4.5%, due to the lower prices of coke plants and oil refining, as well as consumer goods. non-durable, which presented a rate of 0.1%, one tenth less, due to the lower prices of clothing manufacturing. Excluding energy, the annual rate of import prices of industrial products fell one tenth, to 0.2%, being eight tenths below the general rate. In monthly terms, import prices registered a monthly decrease of 0.1% in August due to the lower costs of coke plants and oil refining (-1.8%) and the extraction of metallic minerals (-4.6%). %). On the other hand, import prices for the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning shot up 20.9% in the month.