Historical drama web series created and written by Peter Morgan, The Clown first premiered on the 4th of November 2016. The show is about the life of Queen Elizabeth II from her wedding in 1947 to the present. In season one and two, Claire Foy portrays Elizabeth. In season three and four, Olivia Colman plays Elizabeth.
With a total of eight-episode in each season, the show received universal acclaim. Rightly so, as it’s packed with powerful performances and sumptuous cinematography.
Lord Mountbatten
In the show, Lord Mountbatten is the uncle meddling in Prince Philip’s relationship with the future Queen Elizabeth. Season four of The Crown will feature the recreation of his funeral.
The real Lord Mountbatten died in August of 1979 in an attack by the Irish Republican Army. While he was fishing, the coast of Mullaghmore, Ireland, his boat exploded from a bomb ( smuggled onboard). Nicky Knatchbull, his grandson, was with him and so he consequently died, he was just fourteen back then. The third one, Paul Maxwell, was killed too.
One of Mountbatten’s grandchildren, Timothy Knatchbull, said: “My family and I were relaxed and happy going out into a flat, calm sea in my grandfather’s fishing boat. I remember climbing the roof of the cabin and talking to my grandfather, who was steering. I have a distant memory of the sound of the explosion and of a very violent sensation, then nothing.” as he recalled the event.
Queen Elizabeth was “deeply shocked” by the news, at the time. So, this emotion might play out on screen. Both Helena Bonham Carter who plays Princess Magaret and Olivia Colman were spotted filming scenes wearing somber attire.
What We Expect
Something like the actual event might be depicted in the show; funeral’s for sure though. Season four of The Crown is currently filming and is most likely to be released later this year. However, the official release date hasn’t been released yet.