The Witcher is a sought-after series trending on Netflix at the moment. The storyline revolves around a witcher, Geralt of Rivia, who uses his metaphysical abilities to hunt monsters. His life becomes unhinged and messy when fate involves him with a delicate princess and a dauntless sorceress.
Will The Witcher be the Next Game of Thrones?
It is absurd that Geralt and Ciri with different storylines are bounded together by fate and there is no radical explanation for their connection. The audience sure is intrigued by a suitable explanation in the coming episodes.
The Batman actor uses his superhero voice which isn’t appealing in the role of the witcher. The pauses between sentences don’t really help the role here. Since he is the lead, working on these aspects will attract the larger audience if the series wants to take over more name and fame than the game of thrones.
The start was not really easy for most viewers because of its complexity right from the beginning, from incorporating all the difficult names in your head to understanding the rules in this little world of its own. It was overcrowded and messy and did stress the audience a little bit.
But the fight sequence on the show is extremely fascinating. It really put forwards the efforts put behind the show and makes it so much more intriguing. The questions possess aren’t as thought-provoking as the scrimmage.
Currently, Netflix says that it is one of the most-streamed shows. But it also promises that the upcoming seasons will get better and attract more audiences; we could hope a lot more organic work than forced and exercised labor to make it look more authentic and real.
Do you think the show will cross the milestone set by Game of Thrones! Let us know what you feel about the whole hype in the comments below!