The Transformers franchise was unveiled when the first film released in 2007. It has been one of the highly popular film franchises in Hollywood. Directed by Michael Bay, Transformers is based on the Transformers franchise which began in the 80s.
So far, we have witnessed 5 amazing movies in the Transformers franchise. Bumblebee was a spin-off and a prequel which released in 2018. However, the showrunners have confirmed that Bumblebee was actually Transformers 6.
With an average IMDb rating of 7/10 and the Tomatometer at 70%, all the films in the franchise have been a smash hit. And now, the fans are eagerly waiting for the seventh part of the franchise.
Therefore, let’s dig into the details regarding the release date, cast, and plot for the upcoming Transformers film
Will There Be A Transformers 7?
Yes!!!!!! Paramount Pictures has officially revived the film franchise for yet another sequel.
Release Date
After Transformers 3 (2011), it has been a downward slope for Michale Bay. Though Dark Of The Moon was a smash, parts 4,5, and 6 were severely criticized by the audience. Therefore, Transformers 7 is expected to revive the series’ reputation. However, NO official release date has been announced. As per a few official reports, Transformers 7 is expected to release in the Summer of 2022.
What Happened In Bumblebee/ Transformers 6?
Bumblebee was a spin-off and a prequel to the entire Transformers franchise. As the name suggests, it was completely focused on the origin story of the Transformers. Optimus Prime sent Bumblebee to Earth to find a safe haven for the Autobots to regroup.
However, the Decepticons intercept Prime’s message about coming to Earth. The robots then proceed to a nearby cell tower to transmit the data to Megatron’s army. During the final scene, Bumblebee transforms into a crap-Camaro thus referencing the first Transformers (2007). However, later we see Bumblebee on the highway along with the great Optimus Prime in his classic Generation One Form.
Transformers 7: Plot
Transformers 4 and 5 failed to make it big at the box office. They received poor reviews from audiences and critics alike. Michael Bay has stepped down as the director of the new film. Therefore, it will be interesting to see who replaces him.
Transformers 7 will dig deeper into the world of Cybertron. It will explore Cybertron in a way it hasn’t been explored. This could give us an in-depth look at how it all started and what the Autobots have next in store for us. However, the cast and crew members have been tightly lipped regarding the plot details for the next film.
No official announcement regarding the cast has been made yet. We will update you once we hear from official sources.