Best Deep Fakes Apps In 2020 To Have Fun With

Artificial Intelligence is ruling the world now. Different technology based on Artificial Intelligent is questioning  the reality of the world.This computer system is helping the life-style of humans to improve in different fields.

Deep fakes  apps are one of the Artificial Intelligence technology which mostly rely on auto encoder or Generative Neural Network.

Deep fakes apps are mostly used for entertainment purposes.It changes the response given by the user in a virtually visualized form developed by the Artificial Intelligence Developers.

Some of the best Deep fakes apps that are trending nowadays :

1) Zao– This app gained popularity in short time. It’s technology enables the user to reconstruct  their voice and attach their face on an actor’s body in a scene of movie or series. This different possibilities to explore.It supports both ios and android platforms.It has been only launched for Chinese users

2) Face Swap– In this application  user   use the technology to swap faces in the video in real-time while using device’s camera.It is available on both android and ios. It also give different features to explore.

3) Doublicate – This app is also a face swap for GIF images.This is also a trending app now a days It adjusts your face in GIF. It is available on both ios and android. It is mostly used during chatting. The conversion time of your face with picture and the movements of GIF is subsequently very less. It’s efficiency is very high which makes it a trending app now a days

4) Deep-fakes Web beta– this technology enables the user’s to post one’s face on another person’s face in a video. This technology runs on system only.It is one of the famous Deep-fakes  apps technology  now a days.

5: Deep Art Effects-It transforms images and videos in an art form. Mostly artistic people like this .It is available both on ios and android.