One Piece is a Japanese anime series. Soon it is releasing its next episode, lets get you all the details regarding One Piece Episode 987 Release Date, Recap, And Spoilers.
At first, it was written as a manga. Then it was serialized into an anime. The story revolves around Monkey D Luffy. whose aim is to find the tressure one piece and become the king of pirates. He recruits pirates who seem worthy to him. It is one of the most famous anime. Luffy recruits Roronoa Zoro as they search for one piece. In their adventure, they meet many people to whom they help and recruit few people to their crew. One piece is one of the most famous and critically acclaimed anime. If you are here to know the Release date, recap and spoilers then keep reading.
Recap Of One Piece Episode 986
Before moving further with the One Piece Episode 987 Release Date, let’s get a quick recap.
The 986 episodes are called An ability that harms Luffy. Luffy was covered in red soup and the soldiers sarcastically say that red soup is not for eating but before pouring. Roronoa comes to the rescue of Luffy while Luffy breaks through, by beating the guards unconscious. Yamato’s father becomes anxious as Yamato is nowhere to be seen and orders one of his crew members to go and search for him. Luffy and Roronoa after talking for a while about red soup start running from the enemy. They find that they are surrounded by enemies and there is no place for them to escape.
Luffy and Roronoa decide to start fighting with enemies and Luffy knocks them unconscious by hitting them with an elephant hand. Further, The queen says that whoever kills Luffy and Zoro will get a reward for becoming Tobi Rampa. Apoo resurrects himself once again and says that he will kill Luffy and Zoro. He says that Luffy thinks highly of himself just because he defeated a warlord, and has messed up Apoo’s plan. Scratch uses his mysterious ability to punch Luffy and cut Zoro. Both Luffy and Zoro are shocked.
Spoilers Of One Piece Episode 987
There are no official spoilers as of now. But by looking at the previous and many fan theories we can predict what can happen in One Piece 987. Whoever can defeat Luffy and Zoro can become a Tobiroppo and will be treated as one. Further, This makes all the pirates want to kill Luffy and Zoro. Apoo displays immense strength and is the one who betrayed the kid. The kid comes to protect Luffy and Zoro from Apoo. However, To know the release date of One Piece 987, keep reading.
Release Date Of One Piece Episode 987
The One Piece will be released on August 15, 2021. Furthermore, Fans are eagerly waiting for what would happen between Luffy and Apoo. It is one interesting series to watch. It can be streamed on Crunchyroll.
Trailer Of One Piece Episode 987
The official trailer of One Piece 987 is not released yet. Moreover, There are many fan trailers that are not accurate enough to be considered as the official trailer.
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