Peaky Blinders is a British crime drama series created by Steven Knight, which started on BBC in 2013. The series is primarily set in Birmingham, England. It follows the exploits of the Shelby crime family in the aftermath of the First World War.
Cillian Murphy stars as Tommy Shelby, the gang’s leader with Helen McCrory as Tommy’s aunt Elizabeth “Polly” Gray and Paul Anderson as his older brother Arthur Shelby respectively, who serves as the gang’s second most senior member. Former Boardwalk Empire star Stephen Graham has been confirmed to join the Peaky Blinder’s cast, but it’s not confirmed who he’ll play.
Best Drama Awards
Peaky Blinders has won the Best Drama Awards in London. The drama which stars Cillian Murphy, Helen McCrory, and Paul Anderson as members of the Shelby crime, finished up a successful fifth season last year and took the NTA Best Drama for the second year running.
The National Television Awards are the only award shows in the industry that is entirely based upon the public vote. Well, the public have spoken. People love this show!
There is a lot to be looking forward to but let’s just hope that they can live up to the expectations of the people in next season also.