NASA planned to set Nokia as the first-ever cellular network on the moon. 

Science cannot be foretold with some assumptions or facts which will be determined by the experiments we are planning for. After seeing the Competition build for the Networks in these coming ages, NASA planned to set Nokia as the first-ever cellular network on the moon. 

Why Nokia 

As we all know Nokia has stood the market for many decades, even after vying with numerous companies such as Apple, Samsung, and Xiaomi. Currently, every Network company is working on the revolution of 5G which strengthens speedy networks to the users. By deploying the network, it will provide critical communication capabilities for many different unknown data transmission applications that cover remote control of the lunar surface.

What is NASA planning to do with Nokia LTE/4G on the moon?

Nokia is giving hands to NASA as a partner to advance the Tipping Point technology for the moon for easy access by employing the first LTE/4G on the moon for a communication system which is playing an evolution to pave the way towards an endurable human presence on the lunar surface. 

This LTE/4G helps to revolutionize Lunar surface communication by enhancing high data rates, reliable, easy access to data which uses for private networks for public safety that must be confidential. The only key for NASA is the communication system that’s where Nokia is building the first Ultra-compact, low power which stays a very long duration, space-hardened and Nokia LTE is the ideal foundation for 5G ensuring best 5G and 4G performance.

When will NASA implement the plan of their first cellular network on the moon?

Nokia’s Network will install remotely on the moon’s surface by building them through Intuitive Machines in late 2022. To draw the excellent competitor, NASA rewards 370 dollars million to many companies who are coming up with the technology on the lunar surface so Nokia made the award.