NetDragon Websoft is probably the first AI-managed company in the world. A virtual robot deals with its management as well as the improvement of the company’s operations. Many people see a lot of benefits from AI development. But there are also voices that it may pose a threat to mankind. Technology seems very useful and is replacing people in more and more tasks. An example of this are, among others, voice assistants such as Google Assistant and Siri. However, there are fears that one day it may find humanity superfluous and want to get rid of it. It seems that for now, however, artificial intelligence has more supporters than opponents, which is why it performs more and more tasks. One of the newest and most extraordinary duties that AI performs is managing a Chinese gaming company.
Virtual director instead of a human
Hong Kong-based NetDragon has appointed AI as CEO of Fujian NetDragon Websoft Co. Ltd. We read in a press release that “this is a step towards pioneering the use of artificial intelligence to transform business management and take operational efficiency to a new level.” Hiring AI as a director is also an experiment with the goal of turning NetDragon into a Metaverse. The duties of the virtual director include, among others, improving the flow of processes, improving the quality of work tasks and increasing the speed of their implementation. The director can also “serve as a real-time data center and analytical tool to support rational decision-making in day-to-day operations and also enable a more effective risk management system.” The company hopes that the virtual director will help in recognizing and using talented employees. And at the same time, it will provide a “fair and efficient workplace” for all. The company says it will continue to develop AI performance algorithms to “build an open, interactive and highly transparent governance model, gradually transforming into a Metaverse-based working community, which will attract a much wider global talent base and place the company in a position of to achieve greater goals. ”